& a , Set pa STATE OF KANSAS 4p — DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION GEO. L. MCCLENNY SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION W. A. STACEY MISS LOUIE LESSLIE ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT SECRETARY STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION TOPEKA November 24, 1942 Administrators and Instructors of Physical Education Dear Friends: We are enclosing a "skeleton outline! of the long awaited Physical Education Program, This outline will be of value only and until the complete program is off the government press. We hone this will be in the near future. The enclosed brief outline was suggested by Mr. Strong Hinman, who was chairman of the committee which worked out. the course in Washington, D. C., during the past summer in conjunction with representatives of the Army, Navy, Air Corps, and the U. &. Office of Education. It has the full support of these groups. You will also find enclosed 2 schedule of Aren Institutes which will be conducted in the various areas of Kansas by representatives who attended the recent Institute at Lincoln, Nebraska. I am glad to report ou? state had a total of sixty-five representatives present. This was a splendid showing and indicetes a vital interest in the Health and Physical Fitness of our youth. This program at this date is not compulsory, but it is highly recommended and cesirable for every high school--both large and smali~~ in the state. Ho part of the high school curriculum is more vital at this particular time, since boys of 18-19 years may be in the Army in the near future. The healthier and stronger the voy, the better his chances of survival during the war--and after, eas well, Administrators should attend these institutes and should require the attendance of their Physical Education instructors--both men and women of senior and junior high schools, All othors interested are welcome to attend. Yours truly, Zoot , é 4 Geo. L. McClonny State Superintendent of Public Instruction. GLMcC: ng