FOREWORD All thoughtful citizens recognize the fact that America is engaged in the most serious and difficult war the Netion has ever faced. A successful culmination of the struggle can be assured only through the earnest, sustained, and sacrificial efforts of everyone. This will involve service in the armed forces for most young men and work in agriculture or industry for many young WOMEN Wartime service demands a condition of strength, endurance, stamina, coordination, and agility beyond what is ordinarily required for peace time pursuits. There are many data and reports of observations by competent per- sons which indicate that American youth are deficient in the physical character- istics needed by soldiers, sailors, and airmen. Military and naval authorities have stated often that the preparation of recruits for active service could pm - ceed more rapidly if the young men who are inducted into the armed forces were in better physical condition. The high schools of the country have recognized the seriousness of the situation confronting the Nation and have indicated repeatedly their eager- ness to make the maximum contribution of which they are capable to the war ef- fort. Ons of the definite and objective things that the high schools can do, which will show almost immediate results, is a progrem of physical education for all normal high school boys and girls. The selection of pupils for par- ticipation in © program of vigorous and rugged activities should be based on acceptable exaninations end tests in order that the curriculum may be adapted to the needs and abilities of each individual. This bulletin has been prepared as a guide to high school principals and teachers in planninz and executing wartime programs of physical education, It is one of the publications in the Victory Corps serics and is intended for use in connection with all five divisions of the Hich School Victory Corps. The Army, Navy, United States Public Health Service, physical educa- tors, and staff members of the Office of Education have collaborated in the preparation of this manual, and it has been endorsed by the National Policy Committec. The program outlined in this volume is recommended for use in high schools in ordor that Amcrican boys cnd girls may become ore physically fit to carry their unusually heavy responsibilities during the next few years. Je W. Studebaker U. Se Commissioner of Education,