Boys Activities - 4 Attention At ease Facings: Richt, Left Dress Quick Time Double Time Hait Mark Tiine Side Step Face in Marchin: 2 Change Directions Running develops endurance, and some forms ziven here develop ability and specific skills in gettinz over, or around obstacles. Where pupils are required to run one hundred yards or over, special care must be exercised. Before permitting pupils to run any of the longer distances, several weeks of preliminary training should be demanded. Training in long distance running should be preceded by a medical examination by a properly qualified physician. Where such an examination is impractical, the teacher should administer the Pulse Rate of Recovery Test bc~. fore the training period begius. After one week of training the test should be given azain. Unless the second test shows the pupil's pulse returns to normal moro quickly than at the time of the first test, scrious consideration should be given to the failure of the cardio-vascular system to respond to trainings before permitting the pupil to continvo with the training progran. Advice of a qualified physician should be secured if possible. No boy in the ninth grade should be permitted to train for or attempt to run distances great- er than 220 yards.. The younger boys in grade 10 as well as those who appear to be less maturs physically, should cither bo barred from running 440 yards or longer distances, or be given more careful attention than the older more mature pupils. In general, the training program should be characterized by starts, short bursts of speed, and jogging on the srass during the preliminary train- ing period. In no instances should pupils be permitted to run 100 yards at top specd before the end of the socond week. In the 440 yard run and 880 yard run, if the full distance is covered, only tho first half should be run at top speed and the second half jogzed. Road Work Road work is a combination of hiking and running to develop the ability to cover lon:.distances in the. shortest pessible time. The starting distance should be between three to five miles. This hike is a brisk walk, interspersed with running (not jogsing). At each practice the distance should be covered in less time, and gradually increased until boys are able to cover eight to ten miles in fast timo. Cross Country The course may be over hills, through woods, sercss brooks, over open fields,.or parks and solf courses. It is not running on city streets or highways. Steeple Chase Steeple chase is a set form of obstacle racing using hurdles and water jumps. The National Collegiate Athletic Association ond the Amateur Athletic Union publish rule books thet describe these events and give tho rules for then.