Boys Activitics - 8 Count 1 = Sit-on the right heel. Count 2 - Bounce from this position and spring upward, knees straight. Change position of fect. Count 3 = Drop to squat on left heel. Count 4 = Spring and change vosition of feet. Add two a week until able to do 25. Exercise (11) Starting position: Lie on back, arms sideward, palms down, legs S c=) raised straight up with feet tcgether. Count 1 = Swing legs vigorously to left touching grceund on the left side. Count 2 = Same to the right. Begin slowly and increase the tempo gradually. Exereise (12) No Surgestions: fapeaticeas a eeacscnapeee aaa Teas le Oe 4. Starting positions Front leaning rest. Seo Exercise number 2. Count 1 = Bend elbows and touch chest to floor. Count 2 - Straighten elbows. Repeat 8 to 20 times. te: Many will be uneble to continue this exercise and kecp the rhythm. These individuals may chanzc to the "knee-rest position", i.e., hand and knees on floor, feet raised from it. If they are still unable to continue, they may relax the whole body and simply push up the shoulders. Rut they should NOT STOP TRYING. The numbers given efter cach exercise indicate the minimum and maximum number of times the exercises are to be performed, e.fe,; in exercise. 2 the dosage indicated is 12 to 25. This means to begin with 12 times and sradually increase to 25 as the condi- tion of ths bovs improves. "To master unit number one", means that the class is able to do better than the minimum set for each exercise before unit number 2 is begun. Continue to increase the number of times in unit lL as wnit 2 is added. The same procedure is to be followed in adding unit 6. To overcome stopping between exercises the teacher must antici-~ pate the next one by saying just before the last exccution of any exercise, “Ready for the second exercise", In teaching the exercises: ae Demonstrate each before asking the class to do it. Correct demonstration is more valuable than a lengthy explanation. be Give commands clearly and concisely. The tone of voice can & dv help materially in stimulating tho class to action.