September 12, - Rush Captain Phi Delta Theta 1409 Tennessee St. Lawrence, ee Dear Sir; I should like to call your | Attention to the capabilities of Duke C. Burt, as rush material for your fraternity. His father, Harold Burt, former star full - back at the University in 1922, 1923, and 1924, spoke to me when he was here with his fanily, and asked if I would kindly get in touch with the representative of your fraternity to see if it would be possible to offer him some oan dates. You doubtless already know the capabilities of. _ Duke Burt as a fine athlete and excellent student. He is _?working out daily with the University football teem. I am sorry that I cannot give you his room address but that can be easily ascertained.. I will greatly appreciate any /courtsey that you may show him with rush dates. Sincerely yours, (4 Forrest C. Allen Director, Physical Educe tion — Varsity Basketball Coach