Boys Activities = 10 Legs Overhead: Lic on back, raise legs upward and touch toes to floor behind the head. Return to position. -Kcep legs straight. Continue. Legs right and left: Lie on ba ck, arms sideward, palms dovm, legs raised straizht up. Swing legs vigorously sideward right until legs practically touch the ground. Same to left, Front leaning rest: Place hands on the floor in front of feet, bending knees. Thrust feet backward to front leaning rest position, Return in reverso order. Slowly at first, and gradually speed up. These exercises are of such value that they may be practiced individ- ually or in groups. Suggestions. The grass drill does not demand the same precise per- formanee required in the conditioninz drill. It may be modified for use indoors, The teacher must change the exercise or stop the drill before the class is un- duly fatigued, Caro must be used in adding exercises ts tho srass drill. Select only a few, in order not to make the drill too strenuons. Response Drills. Response drills ars valuable in the practice of skills which are necded in combat. They develop en ability to respond accu- rately and quickly to commands. Go = Stop At the command "Go", the boys spring forward as a football team does in running signals. At the command "Stop", they drop to the lineman's crouch. At "Go", they again spring forward, This mey be varied by the command "Drop", (isos, fall to the ground face dowm as in grass drill). At the command "Right", they turn and sprint to the right at an angle of avout 45 degrees. If the com- mand is "Left", they run to the left at a 45 degrees angle. "Go", in each case means sprint straight forward. "To the rear" means reverse the direction. Whistle signals may be substituted. 2 to 6 minutes. Zigzag Run and Drep Upon the signal to go the boys run fast at an angle of about 45 degrees to the right, anc at the whisthe signal, gigzag to the left at about 45 degrees, and on the whistle signal, drop to the ground. At the next whistle, spring to the feet and repeat the zigzag run end drop. Continue mtil signal is given so halts € So Bb. minvtes. This is similar to the manner in which men advances under fire. Suggestions. 1. Teach the boys how to “drop", first by breaking the fall with the hands and then without the use of the hands, 2e The boys must know exactly what is expected of them. 3. The time between signals must be varied to develop the quick reactions desired,