Boys Activities = 11 Ranger Exercises Ranger exercises are s> named because they are patterned after move- ments which ranger troops use. Formation: Single circle, if less than 50 boys. Double circle, if between 30 and 6O boys, Bach boy eight feet behind the one in front. Procedure: The instructor directs the boys to walk forward at a slow relaxed pace, 680 $9 90 short steps per minute, kecping the circle formation. The class does not walk in step, The instructor, standing in the center of the circle, ealls the name of an oxercise, then demonstrates it, and then com- mands, "Start". . Immediately each boy starts to perform the exercise, continu- inz to move around the circle, After performing the exercise for about 10 to 30 seconds, the instructor commands, "Relax", upon which a11 resume the original slow walk. After 5 to 15 seconds, the instructor nemes and demonstrates a new exercise, and at the signal, "Start", the class performs it. The time between exercises should vary with the naturs of the exercise, and the condition of the DIYS ยป i. Description:/Ail fours, face down, on nends end feet. Walk forward, 2e Rear Walk. Face down, on hands and feet, travel forward by moving the risht arm and right leg simultaneously, and then the left arm and left leg simaltencously, Se Leap Frog. Count off by twos, At whistle, the evens leap over the odd numbers, At the next whistle, the odes leap over the even numbers. Ropeat continuously 7 raising the backs higher and higher. 4. Duek Waddlc. Assume the full knees-bent position, hands on hips. Retain this position and waddle forward, 5. Squat Jump. Assume the full knees=bent position, Retain this position and travel forward by short bouncing jumps. 6, Indian Walk, Bend Imecs slichtly, bend trynk forward, arms hanging down until back of hands touch sround. s Retain this position and walk forward, 7. Crouch Run. Lean forward at the waist until the trunk is perallel with the ground, Retain this position and run forward at a jogzing pace, 8. Straddle Run, Run forward, leaping obliquely to the right as the right foot advances, leaping obliquely to the left as the left foot advances, 9e Knee Raise Run. Run forward, raising the kmees as high as possible on each step. Swing arms vigorously. 10. Hop, Travel forward by hopping on the left foot, Take long steps. Change to right foot and repeat.