Boys Activities = 12 Carries: Before starting these exercises, have the group count off in twos, then place them in pairs (side by side). In all eases the "Ones" carry the "twos" at the signal "Start". At the signal "Change", the men reverse posi- tions, "Twos" carry "Ones", and continue the same exercise. On the signal "Rolax", both resume their original positions end walk forward. ll. Fireman's Carry. “One" places his loft arm between the legs of "Two", so that the erctch of "Two" is at shoulder of "One". "Pwo" leans forward until hc lays across the shoulders of "One". "One" straightens up, lifting "Iwo" off the ground. "One" using the hand of the arm throuzh "Two's" crotch, grasps the wrist of "Do's" arm which is hanging over his shoulder. Retaining this position, “One" runs forward. 12. Cross Carry. "One" standing in front of "Two", leans forward. "two" bends forward until he is lying across the middle of "One's" back. "One" then places one arm around "Two's" shoulders, 2nd straizhtons up, lifting "Two" from ground. Retaining this position, "One™ runs forward. 13. Single Shoulder Carry. "One", standing in front of and facing "Two" assumes a semi-squatting position. "Two" leans forward until he lays across "One's" left shoulder. "One" clasps his arms around "Twots" legs and straightens up, lifting "Two" from the ground, Retaining this position, "One" runs forward. 14, Arm Carry. "One" standing beside "Two", bends his Imees and lifts up "Two by placing one arm below his thighs, and the other around the small of his back. "fwo" places his near arm around "One's" shoulders and clasps his other hand. Re- taining this position, "One" runs forward. Suggestions: le Use varisty in choice of exercises. 2.- Use a maximum of six exercises in a 10 minute period. 3e Choose the exssy excrcises first. Apparatus Exercise on apparatus is especially valuable in developing strength, arility, and endurance. Only a few of the many exercises which con- tribute to these objectives on some types of apparatus have been selected. Extreme care should be exercised in the construction, maintenance, ond use of apparetus to prevent accidents. Formation The class arrangement is dependent upon the size of the class, of the gymnasium, and upon the apparatus available. Divide the class into groups according to facilities. Kecp the group small to provide max- imum participation. Arrange the class anc apparatus so that: (a) Those waiting their turns may sce the performer; (b) so that there is safe and easy access to and from the apparatus.