M. A. CALLAHAN, E. R. SHELDON, STATE OF KANSAS MRS. ADAH CAIN, GEORGE C. TURNER, RURAL SCHOOL SUPERVISORS HIGH SCHOOL SUPERVISORS DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION GEO. L. MCCLENNY SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION W. A. STACEY, ASSISTANT TOPEKA May 6, 1943 Forrest C. Allen, Director of Physical Education, University of Kansas, lawrence, Kansase Dear Mre Allen: Owing to the uncertainty of my continuing in my present position, I am suggesting that any further correspondence you may have relative to Physical Fitness Institutes be addressed to State Superintendent George Le McClenny. In this connection will say that it might be best not to depend upon my assisting further with these programs. Yours very truly, Me Ae Callahan, State High School Supervisore June 3, 19435. | Memorandum to Chancellor Malott: Dear Chancellor Malott‘ | I am writing you regarding the Physical Fitness Institute which had been planned for July 8, 9 and 10. lire Me Ae Callahan wrote me from the State Depart- ment of Education, stating that it might be best not to depend upon him assisting us further with the program. Since we inaugurated this at the behest of ir. Callahan, end since he will not be able to cooperate with us, we feel that this short refresher course would not be successful. With the coming of the V-12 stuients and the summer enrollment in the College, starting July 6, our’ personnel will be engrossed in an exceptionally heavy progrem. ‘Therefore, wo feel that we should discon- tinue plans for the program. This is for your information. Sincerely yours, — : Director of Physical Education, PCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach.» Py ger % ay REGIONAL TRAINING INSTITUTE "Voie oF ter cg PHYSICAL-FITNESS PROGRAMS BOR HIGH a tb Te be held at The University of Nebraska, Lincoln, November 19-21, ae under the auspices of . The U. S. Office of Education. og £ The U. S. Office of Education, in cooperation with the Army and Navy, is actively trying to help the high schools of the country plan and carry outa wartime program of physical fitness. A manual ° outlining a proposed program. of physical education has been completed by. | a committee. ‘tommosed of renresentatives of the Army, Navy, U. S. Public Health Service, Division.of Physical Fitness of the Office of Defense Health and’ Welfare Services, public schools, and the U.-S:.. Office of Education. Another manual’ outlining a high-school program of health education,’ directed toward wartine health. problems, . is inpreparation and wih be oer ned d next year: ~* ° >: aed : £0 i 7 Plan To Introduce The SAREE Prviehe Program To ‘The: Schools of America, $e A plan has been developed for interpreting and Introducing the: phy sical onana: tion program to the high schools. | This plan. includes.(1) .a serics.of nine’ regional “institutes, ore of which’ will be ‘held | ‘in each. Army. Service Command ‘for a — of three ‘days; = (2) a Series of: training Anstitutes: in. ‘each ee as States eubicies By The ‘Seventh amy: ‘Sirvice ‘Comnens., oe Colorado Kansas Missouri _sJonth Dakota... Wyoming .. Iowa Minnesota Nebraska South Dakota: dialects Purposé Of Regional Institutes. Ae TOO Rh Tee, Pees Saree BAe, Bhs 7 OFF: “The purpose of the regional ‘trai ning institutes: is. to train a’groun of persons to serve as organizers and faculty, members for the training institutes ‘within’ their home St>tes. After these versons complete ‘the vrogram of training at the. 3-day regional training institutes they should return ‘to their: States and promptly conduct a series of training institutes for the men and women. high-school: teachers: of physical education and the school Sams ai Asn tore from. eae: local. Srynt hy ctor wy = State training centers. Te , — = Who Should Attend the Institute. Se ae oo Members of state departments of education, facutts edie o of state téechers colleges, universities, and city school systems, including administrators, | ‘physical. educators, recreational directors and heslth educators, should. attend the. institute; also key persons interested in the promotion of physical fitness, of high-school’ boys : and girls, such as heads of ‘physical-fitness committees of State Councils of Defense, American Légion, ¥ WAG, A. ‘a, Y. M. Coks' 8), and youth See... ere. er to attend the Institute, i Faculty of on Institute. “y 3: Be aa tl » The faculty for the Regional Training Institttes will be dite! -un. of persons fron the Office of Education, the’ ‘Army, the Navy,. the ‘American. Association of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, and the a eer eens Division wl — — of Defense Health and Welfare Services. Endorsement Of The Army And Navy. ] 3 ae ’ The" program that is being’ introduced at the meidtoned : Tnstrtites. has: the rey qualified endorsement and cooperative backing of the Army,. the Navy, the. U.S. Public Health Service, the Division of Physical Fitness of the Office of Defense Health and Welfare Services, and the U. S. Office of Education. It has been agreed that the Army and Navy will back this program and will not vromote any separate programs. ea The Institute. detailed CTA oe tal nadie rads ene. Please read it carefully and if you plan to come make every effort to srrive in time for registration and assembly Thursday morning and also plan to stay through the last meeting on Saturday afternoon, INFORMATION FOR THOSE WHO FLAN TO ATTEND THE INSTITUTE No Fees To Be Charged. There will be no exnense involved in attending the institute other than the delegate! s own travel and living expenses. No Federal Funds Available. There are no Federal funds available to help vay the exmense of persons who attend the Regional Institutes. Hotel Accommodstions in Lincoln. Canital Hotel, 149 worth Eleventh Street Rates: Single with bath, $2,75-$3.50; double with bath, $4.00-$5.50 a Cornhusker Hotel, 13th and M Streets .---. Rates: Single with bath, $2,75-S4.40; double with bath, $3. 85-$6.50 Groun rates quoted on request. . Lincoln Hotel, 147 North Ninth Street. “ Rates: Single without bath, 53, 25; double. without bath, ‘3. 25. Single with bath, ‘$3, 50; double with bath, $3 .50-$6,00 - Three or more to-a room, $e..each. (On account of the crowded conditions of hotels in these emergency times, it is suggested that delegates who would ordinarily ask for a single room indicate to the management if they are willing. to. eharhy a room with one. or more: other Gajageses who are athonding Bie SOSCAtUhOodennn oft to afoc ee tas we sed Ais hie rs nae Attendance At. Seahiguen. ifeiterhea foo} 5 It is. hoped: that delesntes will attend. the entire oomnien.s “Attendance of, isolated: meetings: wil have little RAP Ag, seen 4 ane PORE WPL of the. other, mecti Rees ache asl en ra w foatne aa ®. ie inde Wedtonk .ainitanthé 4 Partinicasian: ‘a natit Sine of The conaran: 26% 4h aK Those who attend the Institute are not required to take active vart in the program, but all:who. are willing to do’ so should: bring gymnastic and swimming’ 0% costumes with then, i The. women: delegates may. plan; to: use the University bathing . suits. but. should furnish. their: own. caps and. bath: shoes”. .Recommended.costumes for men,’ tennis. shoes; trousers, . and- shirt. of: washable’ material; and: for: women, tennis: . shoes and olay suit, gymmasium, suit,.or:siack suit... Towel, and lockér’ service . wh Ld. a be furnished free of charge. © btu wit AO Seni seytentn ee aS How to Find Your Way about In Lincoln,” pel ——_—aai on In Lincoln the streets running east. and: west ae the Se of the Biderek with "0" Street as the main street. The lettered streets A-l, are: south of 0 and. those lettered. P+Y.are-north, .The.streets.running north and, south are numbered,.- with. 13th Street as. the hub, - First. to.. 12th.. streets. are. west of. 13th, and 14th on are east. The. University fronts on R Street Detween . Loth. and. 14th, with the. bul abner, to. be,used located as followase: «:» Se tg | ‘ote . _-.. », Student, Union, at lth. and R Streets. 1 « Coliseum at 13th and Vine. (V) Streets... Grant Memorial Hall at 12th and S§ Streets. cr building ee R on.. 12th on west side of street) The railroad stations are located as follows; ~ Burlington.at, .(th.and P:...... ‘Missouri Pacific at.. 9th and .. ‘ : Rock Island, at. 2lst. and. hn ds The. main hotels are located. as. follows: ! - Capital Hotel.at. 11th. and B. .Cornhusker Hotel.at: 13th. and. Mo Lincoln Hotel at 9th and P — thet Pass the University, The-bus. marked "Ag College" goes. down’ 13th. Street to R, ‘then to: » Uth ana R, from there: to uth and Vine. These-are. the. points.-nearest the 3 buildings where: meetings, will be held.. The bus: leaves. 13th.and:M-at 3 minutes before. the hour’ and every 15 minutes thereefter. On the return.trip to town it leaves: ‘U4th and Vine at 7 minutes after the hour and every 15 minutes SHOPOAT SOR. The bus marked ."University-Place". goes: from:the i easoiae Hoked sath to, 0 eanest. then east to llth Street, then south to N.Street, then east, to: ab 2th... ARPRO ee then north to lath « and R; then. east eet ‘the. AANE D: ad bi wid Seat Your to and. “Address... i: ve me thewaot® ei8 fhe o of i m\ If you plan to attend the inetitute wieaee send your name and address to the \ local chairman, Miss Mabel Lee, Department of Physical Education for Women, University \ of Nebraska, .Lincoln... A penny mento 8 will: ie: -Also let:.us apON, if aa: will attend the Thursday :evening. Sets: / ' er fee ee 2. ie PROGRAM POR REGIONAL AUSTITUTE * OE ade 4 le-152 ON THE PHYSICAL FITNESS PROGRAM IN THY HIGH ‘SCHOOL: rer Held under the auspices of the U. S. Office of Education ‘fo. ae The University of Nebraska, Lincoln November 19-21, 1942 f THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19 Morning - Ball Room, Student Union, 14th and R Streets 8:30-9:00 a.m.- Registration. (Check room on main floor will teke care of gymnastic costumes’ until. they. are needed’ in the afternoon) ~ 9:00-12:00 - General Assembly t - bs ti 5 * oo va , me VL200:@: 9:00-10:30 - Physical. pati t 8 if. en. nia ‘ae “ott pr A: Phyetenk Have stir Needs of. the Army. CCH ttioe “Djader, UB ORS Army *~ Physical Baueation Needs of ‘the Nev, yi Lt. Coma. ‘Charles voreythe, ee ae ae Us. ‘Bt Navy What the Schools Cain Ds. MPS Jackson R. Sharman U,. 8, Office of magn 599. The Mania on 1 Phystonl Fitness “phrowsh Physical Education. “*-: : _Mr. Strong Hinman, Assistant -+; @ofésoybha to saftt?..@ .¥ 10% Sint, of Schools Topeka Dineteth Fitness of Girls and Women. * “Miss "Mabel Lee, Director of Bes _ Physical Education for Women, “University of ‘Nebraska “0°. - 10:30-12: 00-= “Heal th ‘Bandai sen 3 | ’ A toitAa - The Relation of Health Education to Fitness in a Mietinn ae. The Manual on Physical Fitness Through Health: Education. Miss Ruth Grout, U.S. Office of Educetion ' Noon Recess 12:15-1:45 - Luncheon.-Hour, - (Relaetaae 3 are “voliens ie. eat a the Student Union. Dining-room, cafeteria, and grill open at noon; cafeteria — grill open evenings.) Afternoon ~ Working Confer erices: 2: 00- 4:00 + Cortrentt Loe enti ey for seep £2 Coliseum, 13th and Vine Streets ae (Besket and towel service: will be provided free on application “to the ‘towel cage in the locker room) 2:00- 33 00 + Gymnastics. Capt. Callen Tjader, U. S. sey . 3300-4 200 : - pn - Jt. John Miller, U. S. Navy 2:00-4:00 = Rhythmies ‘and Gymnastics for Women - Grant Konarial Hall, l2th and § (Towel and locker service will be furnished free of etier ie uson ~ application to the matron in. the west. locker room. - 2:00-3:00 - Rhythmics - Miss Aileen Lockhart, Assistant Professor of Physical Education, University of Nebraska - 3:00-4:00 - Gymnastics - Miss Miriam Wagner, Director of Physical Education for Women, University of Kansas: City 2:00-4:00 - Health Piugnhica- Seyteas a Parlor X - Miss Ruth Grout, U.S. Office. of Education ~ 4:30-5:30 - Small Discussion Groups (The faculty members of the Institute will serve as. leaders. of these groups. Each delegate will be assigned to a “Breas and” he will work in. that’ groun throughout: the institute.).~ Groups on mors. ys - N Booms. ‘Coy apie Groups on Girls! Program - “Dance ‘Studio, Grent Memorial Hall Group on Health Seusbien - Parlor x, ‘Student Union Dinner Hour - Monthly Dinner Meeting of the Linéoln: Physical Education Association ; 6:15-7:30 - Parlors ABC, Student Union . -. Presiding, 7h President, Mr. Earl Souséoa? ‘Supervisor. ‘of. Physical Baudation, Rublic Schools, Lincoln . (All inieeel are ‘commnaiy invited té ‘attend this meeting,” No progran. Just an informal get-together. 75 cents per person. If you plan ta attend onobify the local chairman “of the Institute, Miss Mabel Lee, University of ‘ Nebraska, -- There: ie * PHP Bane Gen eer ee for-a: few aare minute reservations.) con $56 < - a Si re Evening - Motion Pictures - Parlors ABC, Stadent ‘Union - 1230-9300 - Conditioning Activities of the ‘tor Ser Program of Physical Fitness. FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 20 - Morning geadesR 9:00-11:00 ~ Working Conferences is Combatives and Sports and Gaiies for Men; Coliseum - 9:00-10:00 ~ Combatives ~ Capt. Callen Tjader, U.S. army ae 10:00-11:00 ~ Sports and Games - Capt. Callen Tjader, U.S. Army Aquatics and, Sports and Games for Women | Coliseum. ; - 9:00-10:00..~ Aquatics - Lt. John Miller, U. s. Seey 10: OPE 90 an Sports and Games. Discussion. + Dance Studio, Grant Memorial Hall, Miss Elizabeth Halsey, Director of Physical Education -for Women, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa. us 30-21 = - Goneral Assembly. - Dance Studio, Grant Memorial: Hall. _ Sotemning Teste _ “Wee Ruth Grout, U. S. Office of Education : aia, eal I Dr’. Earl. Depnen,” Resident: Physician,: University of Nebr. Noon Hour — Student ‘Mivisory. Hemmitios Luncheon Meeting = - , Parlor A, _ Student _— oe MryJackson R. Sharman, :. / ‘+ wee UL S. Office of Education (Bach “deneienwen: groun @erscts a cha ttindn and these chairmen make oo the ‘Student “Advisory Committee) Afternoon - Meottie Genta hess , 2 100-4400 ~ ~ - Combatives and Semntigtige for Men - Coliseum 510023100 = ~ donibatives . Capt. Callen. DP iadinie u s. ai : ee ~ Gymnastics - Cant. Callen Tjader, .U.S. «Army > 2:00-4:00 - Rhythmics and Gymnastics for Women - Dance Studio, Grant Memorial -Hall 2 2400-3200 ~ * Bia thee ej ~ - Miss Aileenée Lockhart, Assistant Professor. of: “Physical Education, ‘University » of Nebraska 38 00- Us :00 - - Gynnastics: - Miss Miriam Wagner, Director of Physical Education . : for’ Mose “Undiawatr 9 § ty.’ of nen as 28 is 00 “ ‘Health Baucation - Parlor A, Student Union ~ on ‘Ruth tou. U.S. a ae ee of. Bdueation- af 3008; 50 - Discussion Groin hivttie sol bm ee s Grows | - “Dance Studio, Grant Nenorial Hell : ‘Men! s srows - w club. Roo, Coli seu eo ; 3 Health Banea tion! Grou 7 = “Fecalty: Danes Student aa a Dinner Boia OR 9K BAY PRONE BRITS E SSS isle re ele Sree: General Assembly se 7:30 - The Collese Physical Fithess Program, Parlors ‘ABC, "Wedent Union Discussion hitanes a, ge R. hae eo S. Office of: ‘Education at acicuce ten" Min Mels P..Neilson,. Executive Secretary, AAHPER : SATURDAY, -AOVEMBER 22... - Morning «ALU mdettvize: atthe Student Joide -> ed abe ~~ "9300-10230" + Genérad Assembly = Fa lors’ Ay ‘ME aul Cenabiestt. ~ Tests