Py ger % ay REGIONAL TRAINING INSTITUTE "Voie oF ter cg PHYSICAL-FITNESS PROGRAMS BOR HIGH a tb Te be held at The University of Nebraska, Lincoln, November 19-21, ae under the auspices of . The U. S. Office of Education. og £ The U. S. Office of Education, in cooperation with the Army and Navy, is actively trying to help the high schools of the country plan and carry outa wartime program of physical fitness. A manual ° outlining a proposed program. of physical education has been completed by. | a committee. ‘tommosed of renresentatives of the Army, Navy, U. S. Public Health Service, Division.of Physical Fitness of the Office of Defense Health and’ Welfare Services, public schools, and the U.-S:.. Office of Education. Another manual’ outlining a high-school program of health education,’ directed toward wartine health. problems, . is inpreparation and wih be oer ned d next year: ~* ° >: aed : £0 i 7 Plan To Introduce The SAREE Prviehe Program To ‘The: Schools of America, $e A plan has been developed for interpreting and Introducing the: phy sical onana: tion program to the high schools. | This plan. includes.(1) .a serics.of nine’ regional “institutes, ore of which’ will be ‘held | ‘in each. Army. Service Command ‘for a — of three ‘days; = (2) a Series of: training Anstitutes: in. ‘each ee as States eubicies By The ‘Seventh amy: ‘Sirvice ‘Comnens., oe Colorado Kansas Missouri _sJonth Dakota... Wyoming .. Iowa Minnesota Nebraska South Dakota: dialects Purposé Of Regional Institutes. Ae TOO Rh Tee, Pees Saree BAe, Bhs 7 OFF: “The purpose of the regional ‘trai ning institutes: is. to train a’groun of persons to serve as organizers and faculty, members for the training institutes ‘within’ their home St>tes. After these versons complete ‘the vrogram of training at the. 3-day regional training institutes they should return ‘to their: States and promptly conduct a series of training institutes for the men and women. high-school: teachers: of physical education and the school Sams ai Asn tore from. eae: local. Srynt hy ctor wy = State training centers. Te , — = Who Should Attend the Institute. Se ae oo Members of state departments of education, facutts edie o of state téechers colleges, universities, and city school systems, including administrators, | ‘physical. educators, recreational directors and heslth educators, should. attend the. institute; also key persons interested in the promotion of physical fitness, of high-school’ boys : and girls, such as heads of ‘physical-fitness committees of State Councils of Defense, American Légion, ¥ WAG, A. ‘a, Y. M. Coks' 8), and youth See... ere. er to attend the Institute, i Faculty of on Institute. “y 3: Be aa tl » The faculty for the Regional Training Institttes will be dite! -un. of persons fron the Office of Education, the’ ‘Army, the Navy,. the ‘American. Association of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, and the a eer eens Division wl — — of Defense Health and Welfare Services. Endorsement Of The Army And Navy. ] 3 ae ’ The" program that is being’ introduced at the meidtoned : Tnstrtites. has: the rey qualified endorsement and cooperative backing of the Army,. the Navy, the. U.S. Public Health Service, the Division of Physical Fitness of the Office of Defense Health and Welfare Services, and the U. S. Office of Education. It has been agreed that the Army and Navy will back this program and will not vromote any separate programs. ea The Institute. detailed CTA oe tal nadie rads ene. Please read it carefully and if you plan to come make every effort to srrive in time for registration and assembly Thursday morning and also plan to stay through the last meeting on Saturday afternoon, INFORMATION FOR THOSE WHO FLAN TO ATTEND THE INSTITUTE No Fees To Be Charged. There will be no exnense involved in attending the institute other than the delegate! s own travel and living expenses. No Federal Funds Available. There are no Federal funds available to help vay the exmense of persons who attend the Regional Institutes. Hotel Accommodstions in Lincoln. Canital Hotel, 149 worth Eleventh Street Rates: Single with bath, $2,75-$3.50; double with bath, $4.00-$5.50