10: 30-1200 - Discussion Groups Gearing Health Education to the Victory Corns - Parlors A, 8, and C, Miss Ruth Grout, U.S. Office of Education Generel Discussion on Physical Education Problems - Parlors X and Y. Mr. Jackson R. Sharmen, U. S. Office of Education Noon - Student Advisory Committee Luncheon Meeting 12:30 - Parlor A, Student Union Afternoon | 2:00-4:00 - Round Table Discussion - Faculty Lounge, Student Union Organizing State Physical Fitness Institutes. Leaders: Mr. Jackson R. Sharman Miss Ruth Grout Mr. N. PP, Neilson Mr. Strong Hinman State Directors of Health Education State Directors of Physical Hducation Adjournment. Local Committee: Chairman, Miss Mabel Lee, Director of Physical Education for Women, University of Nebraska Dr. R. G. Clapp, Director of Physical Education for Men, University of Nebraska Mr, Earl Johnson, Supervisor of Physical Education, Public Schools, and President of the Lincoln Physical Education Association Miss Nina Lambkin, Director of Public Health Education, State Department of Health Mr. James C. Lewis, Sunerintendent of Recreation, City of Lincoln, and President of Nebraska State Physical Association. Mr. W, A. Rosene, Acting State Director of Physical Education, State Department of Public Instruction