STATE OF KANSAS DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION GEO. L. MCCLENNY SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION W. A. STACEY MISS LOUIE LESSLIE ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT SECRETARY STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION TOPEKA November 2, 1942 Dear Administrators The enclosed comaunication briefly analyzed and stated is this: Second: Third: Feurth: Seventh: The U. S. Office of Education in cooperation with other governmental agencies has worked out a Physical Education program for the schools of the nation. This program was explained in full detail by Strong Hinman at the September 11 meeting in Topeka. A three-day institute or school will be held in Lincoln, Nebraska, on Hovember 19, 20, and 21. This institute is to serve as 4 training school for area or sectional representatives from surrounding statese Following the Lincoln Institute the various area or. sectional delegates who attend the Lincoln Institute are to conduct a loeal institute for their immediate arca or section of tho statee At these institutes administrators and teachers who will have charge of Physical Training in the high schools will reccive information and instructions rela- tive to the entire Physical Training vrogram as outlined at Lincoln. Those invited to attend tho Lincoln Institute are: The high school principal or superintendent and the Physical Trainins instructors for both the girls' and boys' Physical Traininge The local super- intendent may, if he chooses, invite his Health instructor if dif- ferent from the Physical Training instructore Expenses of the threc-day institute must be borne by the local school s this department does not have sufficient funds to bear the cxpenses f those attending the institute. os GS oO Tho area or scctional institutes following the Lincoln Conference will be arranged for and called by the State Department of Educatione All delegates attending the Lincoln Institute should plan to attend the full three-day scssione Part-time attendance. would have no practical valuo.e