Federal Security Agency U. S. OFFICE OF EDUCATION Washington INFORMATION COPCERNING REGIONAL TRAINING INSTITUTES ON PEYSICAL FITNESS The Ue. S. Office of Education, in cooperation with the Army and Navy is actively trying to help the high schools of the country plan and carry out a war- time program of physical fitness. A manual outlining a proposed program of phys- jeal education has been completed by a committee composed of representatives of the Army, Navy, U. S. Public Health Service, Division of Physical Fitness of the Office of Defense Health and Welfare Services, public schools, and the U. S. Office of Educatione Another manual outlining a high-school program of health education, directed toward wartime health problems, is in preparation and will be ready early next yoare A plan has been developed for interpreting and introducing the physical edu- cation program te the high schoolse This plan includes (1) a series of nine re- gional institutes, one of which will be held in each Army Service Command for a period of three days, and (2) a ssries of training institutes in each State. The purpose of the regional training institutes is to train a group of persons from State departments of education, State teachers colleges, wniversities, city school systcms and other key positions to serve as organizers and faculty mom- bers for the training institutes within their home States. Aftor these persons complete the program of training at the 3-day regional training institutes they should return to their States and rromptly conduct a series of training institutes for the men and women high-school teachers of vhysical education and the school administrators from the local areas adjacent to the State training ccnterse In conducting these regional institutes the Office of Education will have the assist- ance of representatives from the Army, Navy, the Physical Fitness Division of the Office of Defense Health and Welfare Services, and other interested cducational and governmental agenciese Each State department of education is invitcd to cooperate with the Office of Education .in introducing this intensive wartime program of physical education in high schoolse This would involve (1) arranging for representatives from the State department and from other strategic agencies in each State to attend the re- gional training institute at State or local expense, and (2) conducting several local institues at convenient points in cach State for the purpose of familiar= izing the high-school teachers and administrators with the physical fitness program. It may seem wise to suggest that some of the younger faculty members, as vell as some of the more mature persons in administrative positions, be invited to attend ths regional training institutc. Approximotely 25 persons would prob= ably be an adequate number of representatives from each Statee Teachers and supervisors of health education in cach State who can con= venicntly attend the regional institute will find an opportunity to discuss their problems and the new health education program with the Consultant in Health Educa- tion from the Office of Education who will be a member of the institute staff. It may be that the State supcrintendent would wish to designate some mcmber of his staff as a person with whom the Division of Physical Fitness in the Ue Se Office of Education my communicate directly conccrning the details of the institutee