Ce 10. FS Te ARN STne, eet Fitts ee " IE vy EE ES SeERERRTSERPUESTEENEOR EES oe BESSA ORI ED LE PRET OTE BRIE EIS ss [ /- gyMMARY OF CONFERENCE ON PHYSICAL FITNESS THROUGH PHYSICAL EDUCATION It was recognized that programs of health service, health instruction, healthful school living, physical education and recreation all have an important influence on physical fitness. The purpose of the secondary school physical education pro- gram is to make pupils physicelly fit to carry their respon- sibilities as members of the armed forces and as efficient workers in the war effort. . A person who is physically fit must be capable of maintaining sustained effort with a maximum of speed and skill. This means that one must have strength, stamina, endurance and coordination. The success of a physical fitness program in high schools will depend largely on adjustments in the school program that must be made by school administrators. Education as usual, like business as usual, is out for the duration. The minimum essentials are adequate time, a competent teacher and a place for conducting the classes. . Gymnasiums and athletic fields are highly desirable but are not essential to the minimum functioning of the program. Enthusiastic well qualified leadership can adapt a program to minimum facilities. There should be increased emphasis on the instructional, intramural and interscholastic programs. | The teacher should utilize community resources to a maxi-~ mum in developing physical fitness. At the same time he should make himself and the school facilities available for the use of the community. One school period daily of instruction in physical education for all pupils is recommended. This instructional period should be supplemented by a participation program including intramural athletics, interscholastic athletics and other vigorous activities for at least 10 hours each weck. The activities must be adapted in intensity and duration to the individual needs of pupils. The needs of pupils may be found through examinations meade by physicians and physical education instructors. A medical examination should preceed particivation in physical educa- tion activitiese Tho selection of puvils by teachers should be based on case history, physical inspection, and careful observation during activity.