an ~~ ae ee ee . - as = oa eee Summary of Discussion on Physical Fitness for the Victory Corps through Health Education That health education is an integral part of Victory Corps programs is emphasized by the statement, “A basic objective of the high schools wartime program must be the effort to make the greatest number of pupils physically fit to carry on as members of the armed ferces or as efficient workers, ------ Whether for boys or girls, important aspects of the physical fitness program must be periodic health examinations, correction of remediable physical defects, nutrition schedules, safety education, firs} aid, and knowledge of personal, community , industrial and military hygiene." This wartime Victory Corps emphasis on sound health as a basic requirement for effectiveness in war activity or industrial and community activities will require that schools give increased attention to planning complete school health orograms, to securing specially trained health educators, and to coordinating school health programs with the efforts of parents, health departments and other community groups concerned with the health and welfare of youth. The attainment of Victory Corps health objectives requires that boys and girls take part in programs which will help them to: 1. Learn their health assets and health liabilities 2, Correct all remediable defects 3, Protect themselves and others fron communicable disease 4. Select and eat foods adequate in quality and quantity 5, Protect themselves and others from accidents, but know how to give emergency care when accidents occur 6, Learn how to live as healthfully as possible under normal and adverse conditions 7, Develop sound mental attitudes and ways of meeting problems and disappointments During the first two years of high school, students who are members of Victory Corps will be expected to progress toward these seven goals, Later, members of the five special service divisions (Air, Land, Sea, Production and Community) should be provided with additional health education experiences which will help prepare them for various kinds of adult military, production or community service, They should learn the specific health demands made upon young people by industry, agriculture, the military services, and community work, In all four years they will participate in physical activities appropriate to their abilities and needs. Tt is a function of school personnel to organize health education programs which will aid students in meeting Victory Corps objectives. Every measure taken by schools to protect or to improve the health of students contributes to the nation's manpower and is in line with our national effort to win the war, Correction of Remediable Defects Freedom from certain physical impairments or defects is essential for effective service in the armed forces and for the highest efficiency in industry, agriculture and community service, By having remediable defects corrected during high school years,~the load of medical service in the armed forces will be reduced and one factor slowing up production through lost time will be eliminated, Thus the high schools will be making an important contribution to producing men and women ready for action, (1) U.S, Office of Education, High School Victory Corps