Le Se D¢ «Se teachers of physical education, hygiene, home economics, and in addi- tion counselors, administrators, scnool medical adviser, school nurse, cafeteria manager, custodian, students, parents and representatives of local medical and dental organizations. School medical advisers, school nurses and teachers must cooperete in firiding the health problems of students end helping find solutions for them, Health problems would include defects, nutritional or mental hygiene problems, and problem of rest, daily regime, school adjustment. Cumulative health regords for students should be kept and used. Time for health education must be provided, preferably five periods per week for at least one semester in the ninth or tenth grade, and a similiar amount of time in the twelfth grade. These would be supplemented by additional health education in conjunction with other su bjocts. Each health aducation course should bo given credit equivalent to that givon for other subjects. Health personnel . The health of young people is so essential at the present time that the best trained persons on each faculty should devote their time to the problem. Ideally these persons should have preparation in health edycation. Where this is not possible, those teachers who are given responsibilities for health education should: obtain special preparation as soon as possible. In-servics training may be used to help them with immrdiate problems. Reading and study of such books as "Health in Schools" and "Health Education" will provide much helpful material.