Fecerol Security Agency T. § OFFICE OF EDUCATION Washington Physical Fitness for Colleges Table. of Contents Foreword Fert I The Role of the Colleze in the Developuent of Fhysical Fitness Chanter I. The role of the collerse in the development of physieel fitness. Urgent need for exmhasis on physical fitness the nature of fitness Fitness through physical activities The program for men The program for women Suggested standaras, nolicies, end procedures Health in a physical fitness program General recomendations Pert II Physical Activities for Hen Chapter II. Objectives. Conditioning col’teve men for the armed forces Teaching. men 2 variety of ectivities which they can use to maintain high level of condition when in armed forces Teaching variety of activities useful in speeding 2 tecliw nical instruction in armed forces Chepter Ili. Organization and. administration. Chanter IV. Frogram of activities. Introduction Aquatics Athletic sports Military track and field Recreational tean and individual sports Group games, relays, and combats Gymnastics Open country sports Chapter Y. Tests and standards.