THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS ~— wk Cost Analysis for the Term Beginning ___< NAME............: De i ee ies eae Me ieee Cal os as ia et Oa a Se az YF £60 se ee ei ih Gisela eae ae Er I ha ee ee a ee i vos cwtsccpaurdeuseunccantscoins Bo not fill in this line SALARY: ANNUAL S..2..W2......2.......: s BAI Fences TEACHING No. or STUDENTS Srupent Hrs. WKLY. Course NUMBER AND TITLE AND LaB. HRS. WKLY* V-12 OTHER TOTAL V-12 OTHER TOTAL AST \7¥20 PT 6 os JEFR /?.7- 6 I / ¥ @ fo (g Ashe) i ¢ f, » / fe jh aces Jha /. Se oe . £ a oe fp fe os " Le Cercthaw PE. 732 oo ee tt o J / = 20 3 et bs A ‘ 3 i? 3 . 2 | Total Teaching Hours Weekly. A Non-Teaching Hours Weekly EXPLANATION OF Non-TEacuine Loap : * f ; i = 4 p ot e Cdntag- PB aetitibet% {of “Hti-z ‘, / § ae Pe Anan CF ster “tel, Aba es fi ? Ha {Ge ’ gad / lid, Lid Bee. C ; A 5 ee fP) Fi af Total Hotes Weekly 2 6 * This means total scheduled clock hours of contact with students. Regularly scheduled conference hours are to be included, but should be so indicated