THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS ee D> sf fr 7 A hye Cost Analysis for the Term Beginning ee 7 oo ba NO re 8 a ; ae as I i ee Do not fill in this line SALARY: Ania .................0...... 6 ES Os cee TEACHING No. or STUDENTS Srupent Hrs. WKLy. Course NuMBER AND TITLE AND LaB. HRS. WKLY* V-12 OTHER TOTAL V-12 OTHER TOTAL J; ve 2 a J o 7 : a Ly Total Teaching Hours Weellly..... 002. .nc- cece cecaceecenence if Non-Teaching Hours Weekly... EXPLANATION OF NoNn-TEACHING Loap: Ce" Cid db & é F = g age “age = ? we eke pon we 2s * Ao f OPEL . Total Hours Weekly... os LU MME ov. TP /8 * This means total scheduled clock hours of contact with students. Regularly scheduled conference hours are to be included, but should be so indicated.