THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS Cost Analysis for the Term Beginning 7. oa Y/tlef- ON a ee _ TrTLe a a ak ah eee ee DEPARTMENT OF Do not fill in this line SALAMY: AwNeal§.......:2.2.....: ; Siwy... TEACHING es Course Nuseer ine Tre ae ea No. oF STUDENTS StupENt Hrs. WKLY. HRS. WKLY* V-12 OTHER TOTAL V-12 OTHER TOTAL s VRP Fp a a 2% t) Ss 3 2 ‘i 5: 306 Ane th 5 2 AO “~ | Cnr. T Adan GK PE ee Pe ROT ae ; Or a) J 0 O pit t tee “ COR ie a Boss / oe Total Teaching Hours Weekly.. xO Non-Teaching Hours Weekly EXPLANATION oF Non-TEacuine Loap: Gdvatdse- Cictger Ce pe =. to# toh Total Hours Weekly * This means total scheduled clock hours of contact with students. Regularly scheduled conference hours are to be included, but should be so indicated.