- September 12, 1945 Rush Captain Sigma Alpha Epsilon 1501 West Campus Lawrence, Kansas Dear Sirs I should like to call your attention to the wapabilities of Duke C. Burt, as rush material for your fraternity. lis father, Uarold Burt, former star full- back at the University in 1922, 1923, and 1924, spoke to me when he was here with his family, and asked if I would kindly get in touch with the representative of your frater~ nity to see if it would be possible to offer him some rush dates. You doubtless already know the capabilities of Duke Burt as a fine athlete and an excellent student. lle is working out daily with the University football team. I am sorry that I cannot give you his room address, but that _ Gan be easily ascertained. I will greatly appreciate any courtesy that you may show him with rush dates. Sincerely yours ’ Forrest C. Allen Director, Physical Education Varsity Basketball Coach