Se W Ged vy thd Robins | _— Ze 3e 4o 5e Te 9e COMMUNITY RECREATION Give your definition of recreation and elassify recreational activities into four major groups. Cite several reasons for the fact that leisure time has inereased for the population as a whole during the past generation and tell what effect the war might have on this problem at present. Name and explain briefly five theories of play. Elaborate on the one you think is best. Explain the following statement: "The playground in itself may not be a factor in preventing anything." list some of the important eauses of juvenile delinquency and explain how a playground preperly supervised could aid in preventing juvenile delinqueney. How are recreational lands secured for parks, playgrounds, ete., in the larger cities? Explain how you would plan and organize a social mixer for a mixed group of adults who have never been together before. Be specific. Name and describe the games, dances or other methods used to insure a good time by all. Outline a recreation program you would put into action for a town of 10,000 population. Ampk funds and facilities are to be considered available. Should sehools take the direct responsibility for a year round recreation _ program in the community? Explain your answer. 10. What part can well rounded community reereation programs play in helping in the present national emergency? 65. BASKETBALL le a. Describe the theory of the successful offense. be Doseribe the theory of the successful defense. 2. Bleborate upon the admonition conseming angles and cwrves. 3. Describe (a) « legal starting of a dribble (b) © legal dritbles (¢) a double dribble. 4. “et is the real function of a dribble? &. Deseribe the fumotion of the fast break ani the set plays. Whieh are prefereble or « ®aperier in wining your gauss? Diagram the court procedure of sais & Deseribe, the proper posture of « flvet elass fighting man both on offense and » 2 and duties from the tine when ho takes or the team until after he plays his first the team is in next question.) r 9 rete ealy Dee putin, Oe vereemelees of aps Fics phy! L. 20 Se 4e 5e be Ts 8e Se 10e THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ATHLETIC TRAINING In your own words describe the prime requisites of a capable trainere State alse his duties and his proper relationship to the coach, the players of varsity teams and to the team or hospital physician. Describe a sprain and how you would treat it from the time of the accident until you are able to put the player into the game againe Hydrotherapy, diatherny, massage, manipulation exercise and taping are to be covered in your dissertatione Describe fully the predisposing and the exciting causes to a sprain and relate their contributing relationships and how they affect complete recovery of a sprain if one of them is absent. Describe briefly the cranial, spinal and the autonomic nerves and state their functions. What factors are concerned in the return circulation of the blood to the heart? Describe the purpose of taping end also describe the necessary precautions and processes in preparing the field before and during the taping procedure of a sprained joint. What is a sacroiliac sprain? Describe manipulation for an anterior lesion. For a posterior lesion. How would you elevate a depressed twelfth rib? Describe health habits in correcting an obstinate case of constipation. In case of a badly sprained ankle what attitude should the trainer take to insure the greatest possible protection to both the athlete and to the trainer? bp Dina! bo 9 Bee fie Arh Dinaden 2 Ce te. iA J/* e 5 Be Te 8. Ge 10. lle 12. i tha — 14. 15. — 17. A 19. 206 KINZS IOLOGY Define the following: (a) Anatomy {e) Osteology (b) Physiology (f) Neurology (c) Kinesiology (g) Myology (a4) Syndesmology (h) Histology What is a cell? What is the difference between a cell, an organ, and a system? Discuss what is meant by an exciting cause and a predisposing cause and give an example illustrating eache What is meant by abduétion and adduction in physical education? ‘hat is the difference between rotation and circumduction? What is a “charley horse"? Explain the kinesiological relationship between extension and flexion, and a "cherley horse." . List and describe three types of mscle tissue. Give examples of eache Draw a diagrem of a muscle cell and label sarcalemma, sarcaplasm, sarcomeres, sarcostyles and myo-neural junction. i. typicel skeletal muscle consists of: (a) (c) (b) (a) What is the approximate chemical composition of a muscle? ‘yhat is @ "property?" Give the properties of muscle tissue. Name a muscle or ligament that derives its name from: (a) Location {(d) Structure (vb) Points of attachment (e) Direction (c) Shape (f) Function Fxplain the difference between: Give examples of eache (a) prime movers ) {b) antagonists (c) fixation muscles Draw a diagram of a motor neurone end label dendrites, nerve call, nucleus, axis cylinder, neurilemma, medullary sheath, and terminal branche Give the function of (a) nerve cell and its nucleus (b) axix cylinder (c) Neurilemma (ad) dendrites ‘hat is a lever? What is the relationship between levers and kinesiology? What is a synovitis? Wheat is a symphesis? Joints are classified as: (a) (>) (c) What is the difference between cranial and spinal nerves? Name the 12 pairs of cranial nerves. Nome the 31 pairs of spinal nerves. Name the sympathetic nervese what muscles are colled the hamstrings, and why are they importent? In punting a football (o.) What muscles of the limb are employed? (b) How do these muscles act on the pelvis? what muscles effect flexion and extension of the knee? What is the work of the following muscles in relation to the movement of the ankT@ joint: ue (a) tibialis anterior : (b) Plantaris {c) gastrocnemius 21. 226 236 24. 256 =2ee Give three (3) ways in which the tensor facia lata affects movement. Describe the general movements of the shoulder girdle; the kind of joint; and the ligaments involved in the shoulder joint. hat muscles of elbow joint produce supination and extension? ‘that is the difference between supination and pronation? Name the pronators and flexors. What nerves are involved in the reflex aro. The instructor tells the student in their minds eye to lick their tonge over a lemon. What action takes place over the nervous system? ven ae le 26 Se 4. 5e 6. Te 8. . mace A ‘ FIRST AID What treatment is suggested in your text for the treatment of poison ivy? Discuss generally the symptoms of poisonous drugs. What first aid measures would you use in cases of choking on food, false teeth, fish bones, coins, etc.? Give treatment of wounds when bleeding is severe. What is meant by the term "shock", and what are the characteristics of it? What are the purposes of First Aid training? If you were the first one upon the scene of an automobile accident wherein some were killed, others injured, what would you do and what would you not do? What is the mterial most commonly used in dressings and compresses? Name at least five things used commonly in the care of injuries which should never be applied directly on the surface of a wound. 10. What is the treatment one should think of in all serious bleeding? _- Dr, Allen ~~ 2 3 2s =" z have ‘checked 10 questions. Are they all right for the final? - a o 1. Ze 3. 5. 6. 7. FIRST AID QUESTIONS What is meant by the Pasteur treatment@ In what per cent of «6 cases is the use of it effective Name the best known poi#onous snake groups in the United States. Discuss the prevention of snake bites. What are the symptoms of snake-bites? When may the greatest severity. of the symptoms be expeeted to occur? Discuss fully the treatment for snake-bite as outlined in your text. Is there a serum on the market for the treatment of bites otic than those of the coral snake? Name it. What do we mean by the skin irritation, "sea nettles?" What is the treatment? 8.“ What treatment is sugges ses in your text for the treatment of 9. 10. ils “86 posion ivy? In the "black widow" spider family which gender oF the specied. is relatively harmless? What are the symptom s of and treatment for "black widen” spiger bite? | Name eleven of the poisonous drvgs commonly taken, Discuss briefly prevention in the case of poisonous drugs. 13,% Discuss generally the symptoms of poisonous drugs. the: 15. 16. iv. 18, 19, 206 What are the two main points to be remembered in the treat- ment of any poison-drug case? By what emetics (six) can both of the above objectives be deoompyiated at the same time? What is meant by ptomaine poisoning? What are some of the causes of this food poisoning? The symptoms and treatment. In cases of unconsciousness, which three types present the most difficulty? - In the event of inability to determine which of these types of the unconsciousness exists, upon what expectancy must the first aider work? When examining an unconscious patient, for what four possible conditions must the first aider look, Discuss symptoms and treatment for epileptic fits? 2l. Lee 256 24.6 256 26. f 28.6 29, 30. 33. S2¢ 55-6 ~Le What is the first aid treatment for hysterical attacks? Discuss at least four ways in which drowning may be prevented. What’ are the symptoms of and treatment for a victim of submer- sion. Describe the Prome Pressure method of artificial respiration. “What first aid measures would’ you usé in cases of choking on food, false teeth, fish bones, coins, etc. In gas asphyxiation cases, what gas causes most trozxble? Tell what you know of carbon monoxide gas as a potent possoa; where there are dangers of encountering it and how to preven* these dangers. Discuss at some length the symptoms of and treatment for carbm monoxide poisoning, Namexand define tne four different kinds of wounds. To what two dangers are wounds subject to? Give a practical definition for the term, infection. What are the three conditons which determine whether or not a wound is infected? How would you treat wounds in which the bleeding is not: severe 34.%* Give treatment of wounds when bleeding is severe. ‘88s 36. 37. 38. 39, 40. 41. 426 456 Discuss what you know of the use of the tourniquet, Should it be used if bleeding can be otherwise checked? Why not?. Step by step tell how you would apply a tourniquet to a bleed ing artery. Are stimulants to de given the patient before the bleeding stops? Why not? xWhat is meant by-the term "shock", and what are the character- istics of it? Name some causes of shock. The same three measures are used to prevent shock as are used to treat it. What are they? In case of shock, when are stimulants not indicated? What are the physical symptoms of ciectric shock. Outline procedure for the rescue of a victim from contact with an electric wire. age 44, Outline treatment of such a victime » 45 AWhat are the purposes of First Aid Training? 46. Give a comprehensive definition of First Aid 47. What are the three main purposes of First Aid Training? 48, Dasessss the need for First Aids why the great increase in accidents-= automobile accicents, home accidents, industrial accidents, other accidents. a9 Arf you were the first one upon the scene of an automobile accident where-. in some were kid@&cé, otner injured, what would you do and what would you i do? 50, In what two branches of scienee must the first aider have a working knowledge. 51, Name four purposes of wie bones of the skeleton. 52. Name the two divisions of the skeletal bones of the heads 53, Name the four skeletai divisions of the trunk. 54. The abdomen contains many important organse Name at least six of theses 55. Name the bones of the uoper limbs. 56. Name the bones of the lower limbs. 57. What is meant by connective tissuc. 58. What is the blood? 59. Of what three parts is the blood chiefly composed? . 60. How much blood should an average person of 1501bs have? 61. The loss of how much blood is serious? The loss of how much is fatal? 62. Define and locate the heart. 632 What is the average rate of heart-beat? 64. What are the arterics.« 65- In first aid, only which arteries are considerede 66. What is the large artery carrying blood away from the left side of the heart called? 67. It is only the main arteries with which the first aider is concerned; theso must lie close to a bones Why? — 68. Name the six chief points where these main artecrics lie close to a bonce Ae 696 706 71s 726 TT. 78.6 7196 80. 81. 82. 836 846 85 86. 87. 886 89. 90. 91. 926 ate The very small vesscls in which the arterics end are called what. Does bleeding from capillarics offer a scrious problem? Why or why not? What are the veins? In Achidents’, which are the more frequently cut, veins or arterics? Why is this true? How can one distinguish whether an artery or a vein is cute How can venous bleeding usually be controlled? Name the organs concerned with reapiratton, In internal bleeding, what three symptoms may be the only outward indications, What is the greatest danger which might occur from a punctured wounds Define simple fracture. Compound fracturee What are the symptoms of simple fracture? Of compound fracture? Outline general first aide treatment of simple fracture, Of compound fracture. Should a first aider try to distinguish between a skull fracture and a. brain concussion? Why or why not? In cases of skull fracture on concussion what treatment should the first aider follow until the physician arrises? Give symptoms and treatment for the fracture of a nose. Give symptoms and treatment of lower jaw fracture. Give symptoms and treatment for fracture of a collar bone. Give symptoms and treatment for fracture of ribs. Of what is the nervous system composcd? ‘This question is to be anstered broadly and generally--by just two general groupings ) Where are most of the nerve centers located? (Two places) If a nerve is cut, the part supplied by it sone both and (Supply the missing words) In the case of a broken back, what tragedy might result from pressure on the broken vertebrae? W ith what bodily result. Why does the nervous system play such an important part in injurics? What do we mean by dressings or compresses? 93.’What is the material most cormonly used in dressings and compresses. «Gun 94. Why is this particular material better in such use than other types? (Two reasons) 95 «Name at least five things used commonly in the care of injurics which should never be applicd directly on the surface of a wound. (p.29-30) 96. Name four purposes for which bandages are uscde 97. There are three kinds of bandages used in first aid. Name then. (pe36 ) 98. Why should a first aider never wash a wound with soap and water? e 99, Why is it permissable fcr a physician to wash a wound with soap and water, if he so desires. 1002 What is the treatment one whould think of in all serious blceding?