65. BASKETBALL le a. Describe the theory of the successful offense. be Doseribe the theory of the successful defense. 2. Bleborate upon the admonition conseming angles and cwrves. 3. Describe (a) « legal starting of a dribble (b) © legal dritbles (¢) a double dribble. 4. “et is the real function of a dribble? &. Deseribe the fumotion of the fast break ani the set plays. Whieh are prefereble or « ®aperier in wining your gauss? Diagram the court procedure of sais & Deseribe, the proper posture of « flvet elass fighting man both on offense and » 2 and duties from the tine when ho takes or the team until after he plays his first the team is in next question.) r 9 rete ealy Dee putin, Oe vereemelees of aps Fics phy!