Ze 3e 4o 5e Te 9e COMMUNITY RECREATION Give your definition of recreation and elassify recreational activities into four major groups. Cite several reasons for the fact that leisure time has inereased for the population as a whole during the past generation and tell what effect the war might have on this problem at present. Name and explain briefly five theories of play. Elaborate on the one you think is best. Explain the following statement: "The playground in itself may not be a factor in preventing anything." list some of the important eauses of juvenile delinquency and explain how a playground preperly supervised could aid in preventing juvenile delinqueney. How are recreational lands secured for parks, playgrounds, ete., in the larger cities? Explain how you would plan and organize a social mixer for a mixed group of adults who have never been together before. Be specific. Name and describe the games, dances or other methods used to insure a good time by all. Outline a recreation program you would put into action for a town of 10,000 population. Ampk funds and facilities are to be considered available. Should sehools take the direct responsibility for a year round recreation _ program in the community? Explain your answer. 10. What part can well rounded community reereation programs play in helping in the present national emergency?