le 26 Se 4. 5e 6. Te 8. . mace A ‘ FIRST AID What treatment is suggested in your text for the treatment of poison ivy? Discuss generally the symptoms of poisonous drugs. What first aid measures would you use in cases of choking on food, false teeth, fish bones, coins, etc.? Give treatment of wounds when bleeding is severe. What is meant by the term "shock", and what are the characteristics of it? What are the purposes of First Aid training? If you were the first one upon the scene of an automobile accident wherein some were killed, others injured, what would you do and what would you not do? What is the mterial most commonly used in dressings and compresses? Name at least five things used commonly in the care of injuries which should never be applied directly on the surface of a wound. 10. What is the treatment one should think of in all serious bleeding?