-L Dear Quig,Doc,Rep; College prospects tabbed in twoeday tournament at Wyandette high school ineluded Neil Ridley, Columbua forward; Paul Cyudrenill, Columbug guards; Bob Rolander, MePherson, center; Ivan Medrein, “ard guard, and Bob “sekish, Wyandotte center, Evans, feck, Sehnellbacher, Nesmith and Pierce scouted mecte | Ridley is exceptionally fast, better than average passer, and ‘has good basket eye. Can make a Big Six team, Churchill was good ball-handler, tough ballehawker(Ridley excelled in this also) and better than average scorers. Ridley is smaller than Peek but wellebuilt and Qurable. Churchill is largere | Rolander is around 6e5 with pretty good action and. good eyes de scored 21 points against Columbus . Two of his goals were tipeins and two others recoveries nder the hoope He looked good alle around ; . _ Medrein is exceptionally fast and an excellant palle handler. Also showed scoring possibilities and drove well from his spot at guard, Big enough te be rugged and will double in football as will Ridley. Mackish did not lock as good as the other four in this meet but definitely is a college prospect. Héth more work and coaching he will improve more than the others. Is around 6=4 and has good action tho a trifle slow. Also will double in football as end. This is not my opinion but the composite opinion of the entire five, which ineluded three varsity basketball players. don