KENNETH DIEKER Tampa Rural High School Tampa, Kansas J : Activities Particular Interest Unusual Ability ; ' Leadership Operettas Rating of 2 & 3 in contests Vocal Solos Band . Played basketball on city team. Basketball Plays | | Athletics Character He has determination and usually accomplishment comes with it; if disgruntled he does little or nothing. : . Physical Weakness None Vocational Interests Uncertain; he has returned from combat duty in Europe. He may like mechanics, physical education, or physical science. ‘ ’ Need for Farning His Way The GI Bill of Rights Should answer this question. , Home Conditions Favorable, his parents help him to overcome difficulties. ) Special Attention or Assistance . é He may need to be cooled off once in a while, as he is quick-tempered Other Information f I believe Dr. Phog Allen or Ee Co Quigley might help him in making his choice of work. \ 1-16-46 . (Signed) E. He Stelting Address Tampa, Kansas Date