UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS HEALTH SERVICE WATKINS MEMORIAL HOSPITAL LAWRENCE, KANSAS May 8, 1945 Dre F. Ce. Allen Director of Physical Education University of Kansas Dear Dr. Allen, I have just returned from the Council Meeting of the American Student Health Association in Minneapolis, where the question of “physical fitness" was a major topic. It is gratifying to learn that the reorganized physical fitness committee is preparing a booklet to replace the series "Physical Fitness Through Health Education" - etc. - which will outline the problem from all angles. I do not believe, and I do not mind having this in writing, that we should junk our physical education plans. Junk the obstacle courses, yes, but not sensible graded physical exercise and recreational sports. The University of Kansas should take the lead in combining functions of health service, physical education and health education that will make the University of Kansas students cognizant of the importance of a complete health program, whether they go out to teach or to follow other pursuits. We should discuss this with Dean Lawson and the Chancellor at an appropriate time. Sincerely, Fi ‘) fe Oat eee Kap WV. LatrexLee sd Ralph I. Canuteson, M.D. Director RIC:k