3. The kidneys are forced forward and downward. The ureters kink and handicap the function of the excretion. 4. The diaphragm has lost its dome. Thus it tends to force down- ward all the organs ee closely upon it. Oe The displacement of the kidneys and the inevitable loss of the retro-peritoneal fat means a loss of support for the ends of the pancreas. The "head" and "tail" drop back into the lateral spinal spaces resulting in the sauenses taking a "saddle-shape" rather than being on a horizontal line which is relatively straight. 6. The transverse colon is found to be crumpled in the lower abdomen, whereas it should be in the upper area. Constipation and its attendant ills are the penalties associated with such a condition. es The stomach sags and usually takes a "j" shape. Frequently, the stomach is to be found hanging well down into the pelvis. Ss When the diaphragm is low there is a poor return of blood through the blood vessels accompanying the abdominal organs. Too, one should expect an abnormal tension on fe superior and inferior mesenteric arteries, arising as they do from the anterior part of the aorta. It has been found that poor posture very frequently results from (1) the mants lack of awareness of his posture and (2) tgnorance about good posture and how to achieve tt. In order to stimulate the Navy personnel to an improvement of the posture situation, the following program is suggested: (1) Appropriate use be made of visual posture material such as charts and pictures.