essential that the following six exercises be practiced daily during the training period. the military posture program, under competent direction. Approximately thirty minutes daily shall be given to Throughout the exercises, constant attention must be paid to the three aspects of military posture control described in paragraph 1, page 6. The exercises follow. that their own conscious efforts are the best corrective. It must be impressed upon the minds of all men of poor posture Unless they will to have good posture, all the corrective exercises in the world will be to no avail, correct the most unsightly poor posture. Arms rise Count Count Count I - 2- 3- The simple attitude of Illustration I, constantly adopted, will Illustration III (DEEP BREATHING) 6 TIMES from attention to cross each other in front of body (as in Figure |) and up over head back in circular motion, and down to the sides. Rise on toes as arms gO up and inhale (as in Figure 11). Arms start up. Circle and come down to sides. Exhale. Illustration IV (ABDOMINAL) Start with ten times each way and wo@k up. Position of attention - heels about 5 inches apart. Count | - Place hands clasped behind head (as in Count is: Figure |). With position go to the left in a circular outward, downward, side- ward and then upward motion, i topes body bends from diaphragm to eft. 2. Body moves across in a horizontal ee from left to right. 3. eturn upward to start. Bend at diaphragm - not the hips - and suck up your stomach when doing. The shoulder muscles are relaxed. Do 20 times from left to right then reverse for 20