Illustration V (ABDOMINAL) 30 TIMES Hands extended overhead (as in Figure |) and arms stiff are brought down to touch legs above knees, chin touching collar bone (as in as 11). Suck up the abdom- inal muscles as the arms come down. Count | - Arms up and inhale. Count 2 - ads acy and suck up the stomach and exhale. Illustration VII (ABDOMINAL) 20 TIMES EACH SIDE At the command "Position" extend arms sidewise from the body at shoulder level; drop the right hand 10 inches and raise the left hand 10 inches (as in Figure |); suck up stomach and lock hips. Count | - Reach right hand behind and down; left hand ore forward and up, keeping stiff straight line between hands. Pivot from the diaphragm. Eyes and head follow hand back and down. Count 2 - The position is reversed (as in Figure I1). Keep hips locked, stomach sucked up. Illustration VI (DEEP BREATHING) 6. TIMES From attention the arms go out and up to a position behind head (as in Figures | & 11) clasp hands and as arms are moved forward over the head, twist the hands, palms out still clasped and then down to sides (as in Figure Ill). Count | - Raise arms up and clasp back of head - inhale from beginning of exercise unti| hands clasp. Count 2 - Arms move forward and down - exhale only when exercise is complete and arms at attention position. Illustration VIII (DEEP BREATHING) 6 °TIMES Inhale - Arms rise to position straight out in front of body (as in Figure |) - from here close fists and pull backward, elbows close to sides of body, very swiftly and hard (as in Figure II). Count | -Arms out in front, inhale to full capacity. Count 2-3-4-5-6 -- The fists are vigorously pulled back to shoulder and thrust forward on each count while breath is held. Count 7-Arms at attention and exhale. A few sec- onds respite is recommended before repeat- ing exercise. Fig. Itt