November 7, 1945 Mr. Charles R. Braden Elsmore, Kansas Dear Mr. Braden: Thank you so much, for sending me the picture of the athletic group which included my brother, Jiarry B. "Pete" Allen. Ile was Lt. Col. at Stanford University for the past seven years and also commandant of the R.O.T.C. of Stanford University until he was retired at 65 on his last birthday. te is with Haney Company in ‘anFranciseo as the safety director. ile lives at \ Palo Alto and I know that he would be glad to see you when you are out on the coast. Won't you look him up? It is most thoughtful of you to offer the grain cradle for our museum. [I have just talked to Raymond Nichols, Mxecutive Secretary to the Chancellor, and he says thet the University would indeed be happy to accept the cradle from you. They now have in the museum a replica of the first MeCormick Harvester and this doubtless could go along with that. If you would care ~ to ship it to me or Mr, Nichols we will see that it gets into proper hands for exhibition and permanent care. Yes, I am glad tiiat we have at loast gotten one man from Nebraskae ‘They have drawm so many excellent Kansas athletes that I am glad to see some reciprocity. Gene Petersen is not _ a kurland but he will make a great player before he finishes colleges He is but eighteen years of age and a fine student. I “or great things from hin. With kindest personal regards and best wishes and dpieeintion _ for your thoughtfulness, I am . Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coach