Illustration Approximate Location of Vital Organs in XI "Good Military Posture" (To be contrasted with following illustration) 1. Thorax high. Allows for both costal and diaphragmatic breathing. Excellent diaphragm excursion. e. Diaphragm arched. Excellent excursion, 3. Costal angle at lower margins of ribs is about 90%. 4. Transverse colon at level of naval. 5-6. Ascending and descending colon supported by strong lateral abdominal muscles. 7-8. Kidneys high, supported by "psoas shelf" and retro-peritoneal fat. 9-10.Ureters form relatively straight lines. ll. Stomach high in abdominal cavity. Support from below by strong abdominal muscles. 12. Liver's long axis in horizontal plane-- excellent delivery of bile. Additional: (1) Strong abdominal muscles-especially lateral abdominal. (2) Tonus of smooth muscle of vital organs excellent. (3) Peristalsis of colon good--support by abdominals. (4) Pancreas in horizontal plane and high in abdominal cavity.