In Average Communities WHAT: VOLUATEBRS' CHW" DO Work with Young People (gontinued) Develop backyard play and organize inter—family play groups. Conduct classes in swimming, tennis, gymnastics, archery, etc. Organize tournaments: coach teams, act as referee, umpire, judge. Get municipality to build swimming pool; build pool by damming stream; build pool for sailing boats. Organize trips to beach, parks, picnic areas; provide transportation for poor children; assist lifeguards ; start fly—casting contests. Set up day camps; teach children to cook out of doors. Arrange to get children into private and public summer camps. Prepare facilities for winter sports: flood tennis courts for skating and ice hockey; guard coasting streets and areas; secure permission to use private property for skating, coasting, and skiing. Teach skiing, ice sculpture; help build ice boats; organize skating carnivals. Lead and instruct craft groups in woodwork, weaving, carpentry, pottery, needlework, etc. Organize trips to historic and other important centers. Help children make kites and conduct kite-flying contest. Repair Christmas cays and distribute to needy. Pien birdhouse hut Ladin contest. Help mark nature trail — make place marks. Form hiking, book, astronomy, and other clubs. Arrange pet shows, community circus, and lantern parades. Provide and direct such entertainment as puppet shows, story-telling, dramatics, music festivals, magic, radio programs.