z . Dear Dean Smith: Relative to my suggestion regerding the offering of short term courses for training recreational leadership for branches of the military service I should like to submit the following tentative outline: | 1. That the recreational and library facilities of the University, under the direction of the trained personnel of the University | be used to conduct courses of from four te six weeks in duration with the icea of training sports and recreation leaders in the army. No University credit would be offered, 2. That opportunity would ve offered to the army to send officers anc non-commissioned officers who have had at least high school education and sports experience to the University for this intensive course of training. 3. That the entire athletic and physical education personnel be used in conducting such a course, 4. That the Department of Physical Wducation be in charge of the course and enlist assistance from other departments if necessary. 5» That these men be housed either in large houses (a number of which are vac nt) fitted with srmy cots and equipment or be kept in various arproved rooming houses, or perhaps fraternity houses, 6. That the Physical Education and Athletic Departments cooperate in furnishing equipment such as basketballs and footballs for practical demonstrations, While the individual trainees be equipped (perhaps by the army) with gym shoes, and simple gym clothing. 7e That the various sports be taught not only from the standpoint of developing various skills for use in coaching but with the idea of furnishing the trainees with basic facts regarding the administration of various sports, 8. That in the construction of a definite schedule the courses be SO arranged that theory courses or activities not demanding extreme physical exertion be interspersed with those which demand « great amount of physical effort. I would suggest the following sports. I have not considered it necessary to comment on some, while, for the purpose of clarity, I have some statements regarding others. : +A Sia hse Sleds aa saad