William Harold Browne Head Basketball Coach, University of Nebraska Record crowds, improved team play and individual finesse were only a few of the accomplisiments of W. H. Browne, head basketball coach at the University during the 1937-58 season, This year Coach Browns is starting his seventh season as coach of the Cornhusker basketball team. Browne became associated with the University of N ebraska as freshman basketball and football and head Varsity baseball coach in 1930-31. In 1932 Browne became head basketball coach and assistant Varsity football coach at Nebraska. In football he was a valuaole assistant to Dana X. Bible for five years and the past two seasons performed the same duties for Major Lawrence "Biff" Jones. Browne's work dealt chiefly with the ends but he was of untold value to the team as head scout. Coach Browne has been a member of the research and visual inves- tigation committee of the National Association for Basketball Coaches and has written an untold number of technical articles on basketball and physical education activities for national publications. Previous to 1930 Mr. Browne had headed the department of physical education at Lincoln high school for ten years and coached the football and basketball teams. His football teams lost only three games during that ten-year period, attracting national attention by defeating Lane Tech of Chicago and twice turning back the strong Waite high eleven of Toledo, Ohio. Browne's high school basketball teams, playing difficult schedules, won better than 75 percent of its games and three times were state champions. He was born in Port William, Ohio, July 18, 1899. Browne graduated from Morton high school, Richmond, Indiana; attended Earlham College at Richmond and State Normal at LaCrosse, Wisconsin. He was graduated from the American Gymnastic School at Indianapolis, Indiana, with a Bachelor of Physical Education degree and received Bachelor of Science and Master of Arts degrees at the University of Nebraska. Browne is a captain in the Nebraska National Guard, commanding Headquarters Co., 110th Quartermaster Regiment. He is a member of Phi Epsilon Kappa and Sigma Phi Epsilon, social fraternities, and Phi Delta Kapya, educational fraternity. He is a Mason, Shriner and Jester. Browne ig married and has two children, Dorothy Jean and Billy.