20 that will most quickly and easily develop physical strength, endurance, agility, ete., and among those we are trying to push are the general physical education work, handball, wrestling, boxing, and swimming, and football to some extent, We are also trying to encourage general use of the trampoline, which gives a surprisingly good workout and which we have found is the most popular piece of apparatus in our gymnasium. In answer to your inquiry concerning compulsory physical education, will say that I doubt very much if the University of Nebraska widl go in to this inasmuch as ow present Chancellor is quite opposed to compulsory physical education, but he does seem to be in sympathy with the pushing of our program and the encouragement of the optional work to the greatest possible degree. He would not oppose compulsory physical training for the duration, I kmow, if the request for the same came from the students, but I am positive he would oppose it otherwise. As you are doubtless aware, we have never had compulsory (required) physical education for men with the exception of the one year required of freshmen in the Agricultural College, which, by the way, was put in at the request of the Agricultural College students. It is true further, however, that all men excused from Military Science because of physical disability are required to substitute an equal number of credit hours (four) in lieu of the military drill. We have always had what I have felt was quite a satisfactory voluntary regis~ tration in our practical work, but, of course, this has been helped somewhat by the fact that we grant regular academic credit for this work on the same basis as any other laboratory work in the University. This academic credit program has been in force here for over forty years and I think has been a great help. I think you have one of owr catalogs which shows the rather wide variety of optional practical courses we offer to our students. Of course, this is a time when we can stress, too, our four-year major program inasmuch as we already have a shortage in well-trained physical directors end athletic coaches and there is -—- and of course will continue to be -- a demand for such training in the Army and Navy. I would suggest that you might get copies of the material which Metcalf has put out at Chicago as these may offer you quite a good many suggestions as to what they are doing there on this emergency program. If there is other information you wish, do not hesitate to call upon me, With kindest regards, I am Very sincerely yours, (Signed) R. G. CLAPP, M.D. Professor and Chairman, Physical Education for Men.