COPY UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS School of Physical Education URBANA February 27, 1942, Director Forrest C, Allen Department of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Phog: I have your letter of February 23 addressed to Dr. Staley, He is, at present, doing some work with the government and will be tied up for ; month or more. IT am sending you two sheets giving you a broad picture of what we are attempting in our physical fitness or Keep Pit Clinic, This clinie is for those students who rate low in the Larson test. In addition to their regular physical education classes, they attend the Keep Fit Clinic once per weeke Our results from last semester have been very good, showing an average improvement of 30 per cent. Physical education has been compulsory for freshmen and sophomores, and we will continue this policy. We are asking for one extra period per week for all students who are in the lower 30 per eent of the physical fitness group. Beyond this we have stepped up the vigor of our program, giving students who are taking tennis, for exemple, a vigorous con- ditioning drill as a supplement to the tennis activity. We are also urging those who are not high in physical fitness to take the more vigorous courses end are reserving the less vigorous courses, such as golf, badminton, ete. for those who already have a high degree of physical fitness. The best way to get a real picture of our program is to pay us avisit. If I am not mistaken, you haven't called on us for some time. We mow have some four-wall handball courts in which, I am sure, you could perform much more effectively than you did when we had you on the single-wall courts -- remember? Cordially yours, (Signed) G, T. STAFFORD Professor of Physical Education