¥ KS SSID ENTS “AND? THE:cWAR (2% THE DUTY OF KEEPING PHYSICALLY FIT Both army and navy officials have pointed out that to keep oneself physically fit at this time is a primary duty of all loyal citizens; and a member of the General Staff of the United States Army has suggested that all colleges and universities make work in physical education compulsory. Although the University has not found it possible to take this eR as yet, we have maintained, and plan to continue to miantain, facilities aboundant enough to enable every student who will use the opportunity to exercise regularly, either by using the gymnasium or by joining in the or- ganized sports directed by members of the Physical Edu- cation staff. A varied program of intramural games is car- ried on throughout the year, in which all students on the campus are invited to take part. To become a member of some sports group one has only to make application at the Intramural Sports office in Robinson Gymnasium. Enrollment in courses in physical activity, for a limited amount of credit, is allowed in several schools of the Uni- versity. Dr. F. C. Allen, chairman of the Department of Physical Education, has arranged to use the course, Individual Gymnastics, as a means of aiding those who wish to exer- cise strenuously in preparation for military service or other war work. Re Re UNDERSTANDING THE WAR We hope that students at the University of Kansas will not be satisfied, entirely, with the preparations they are making to assume réles in the active defense of the nation, but that along with an interest in our military and indus- 14