Physical Education Made Compulso Western Reserve Adopt: New Program to Meet Military Needs Special to THz NEW YorK TIMES, CLEVELAND, Ohio, July 11—A4 new program of physical educatio for “self-preservation” is being in- augurated at Western Reserve Uni- versity under the direction of Rob- ert M. Grueninger, associate Pro- fessor of Physical Education, Dr. Winfred G. Leutner, president of the university, announced today, following faculty action. The pro- gram is compulsory and is “de- signed to equip each individual with the necessary requisites for induction into military service.” Professor Grueninger, who has just returned from a leave of ab- sence to develop the program with | Army and Navy officials at Fort|| eade, pointed out that among} other things fully accepted as im- | portant to the inductee are: “A to- tal body development.” “Combat efficiency connotes! more than condition,’ Professor Grueninger added. “It implies the ability to endure the utmost physi- cal strain and have enough to per- form with efficiency. This concept precludes the idea that a man can do all his training in an eleventh- hour program. It means that our youth should put on muscle and ac These skills, Professor Gruening er believes, may be listed under tw Classifications: Skills for comba as climbing, throwing, jumping, vaulting, div- ing, rolling, falling, and individual combat activities. ; The program to develop useful is h iA wy j