234 SRIGLEY, Ropert S. When to see your doctor. 1941. 44p. College book company, Columbus, Ohio, 35c. Written by a doctor of medicine. It includes the most important causes of death, for which doctors can do something, if the patient sees the doctor in time. It gives the symptoms of the diseases and what should be done. Stern, JosepH M. Your heart. Alliance book corp., $3.50. A helpful book on the heart for the layman. In this book may be found the way to heart health. It includes simple, sensible rules for healthful living. The scope of the work covers both rem>-dial and preventive phases. 1941. 240p. STEINHAUS, ARTHUR H. and GRUNDERMAN, F. M. Tobacco and health; some facts about smok- -ing. 2d ed. 1941. 48p. Association press, 35c. A summary of facts about smoking culled from various scientific experiments in physiological and commercial research laboratories. Shows the harm- ful effects of smoking on the physiological mechan- isms. : TURNER, CLAIR E. and McHoser, ELIzasBetu. Effective living. 1941. 432p. Mosby, $1.90. Healthful and effective living as an individual, as a member of the family, and as a member of the community. Contains questions and standards for self checking. WILLIAMS, JESSE FeEtrINc. Personal hygiene applied. 7th ed. 1941. 627p. Saunders, $2.50. A well written and widely used general text in personal hygiene. II. Nutritional Aspects of Fitness Bocert, JEAN. Nutrition and physical fitness. 3d ed. 1939. 566p. Saunders, $3. A guide to health building through nutrition. Borsoop, L. J. Vitamins. What they are and sh they benefit you. 1940. 193p. Viking, What each of the vitamins does in the prevention of disease and the maintenance of health. CuHaney, M. S. and Antgorn, M. Nutrition. Rev. ed. 1939. 436p. Houghton, $3. The general nutrition problem. Coorrr, L. F., Barper, E. M. and MircHett, H. S. Nutrition in health and disease. 7th ed. 1939. 712p. Lippincott, $3. A consideration of the effects of inadequate diet upon health and a guide to proper eating. Eppy, W. H. What are the vitamins? 1941. 247p. Reinhold pub. corp., $2.50. The nature of the vitamins and the important facts science has accumulated concerning them. PatTEE, ALIDA FRANCES. Vitamins and miner- THE BOOKLIST als for everyone; Hazel E. Munsell, technical advisor. 1942. 242p. illus. tables. Putnam, $2. A convenient, well-arranged reference book written partly in question and answer form. Rose, Mary Swartz. Feeding the family. 4th ed. 1940. 421p. Macmillan, $3.75. A consideration of individual and family needs and practical ways of meeting them. Foundations of nutrition. 3d ed. 1938. 625p. Macmillan, $3.50. A widely used and not too technical presentation of the basic facts of nutrition. Sansum, W. D. The normal diet. 1930. 134p. Mosby, $1. A statement of the fundamental principles of diet for the mutual use of physicians and patients. It is dedicated to an effort to prevent illness, relieve suffering, and prolong life through the proper use of food. SHERMAN, Henry C. and LANForD, CAROLINE S. Essentials of nutrition. 1940. 418p. Macmil- lan, $3.50. A widely used college text. TayLor, DEeMETRIA. The nutrition handbook. 1942. 231p. Doubleday, $2. A complete guide to the nutritional content of the food we eat. Ill. Mental Hygiene Aspects of Fitness BurnHAM, Wittiam H. The normal mind: an introduction to mental hygiene and the hy- giene of school instruction. 1924. 702p. Ap- pleton, $3.50. This book has to do especially with the mental health of normal children. It maintains the thesis that the essential characteristic of the normal mind is an integration of the personality that makes ad- -~justment possible, and it discusses conditions and methods that tend to preserve and develop integra- tion, as well as conditions and practices that tend to produce disintegration. CiarKE, E. K. Mental hygiene for community nursing. 1942. 262p. Univ. of Minn. press, $3.50. Prepared as an incentive and source of information to public health, school, and industrial nurses. Valuable for all health educators. GrirFin, J. D. M., Laycock, S. R. and Ling, W. Mental hygiene; a manual for teachers; foreword by C. M. Hincks. 1940. 291p. diag. American book co., $1.75. A comprehensive and practical book, written to foster a better union between mental hygiene and education. The authors display an adequate under- standing of teachers’ problems, and give many workable suggestions for handling these problems. There is a good chapter on physical handicaps as related to mental hygiene problems.