FEBRUARY 1, 1943 235 GrirritH, Coteman R. Psychology and ath- leties: a general survey for athletes and coaches. 1928. 281p. diag. Scribner’s, $2. Approach to subject is through the channels of experiment and observation rather than academic theory. What the book does chiefly is to take the phrases of coaches and newspaper reporters— “breaks of the game,” “jinx,” ‘‘on their toes,” “overconfidence,’” and examine their meaning in relation to mental processes and physical training. Jacosson, Epmunp. You can sleep well. 1941. 288p. Tower book, 49c. This book tells you in an understandable and in- teresting way how to relax. ; Progressive relaxation. 1929. 429p. Univ. of Chic. press, $5. A physiological and clinical investigation of muscu- lar states and their significance in psychology and medical practice. Jastrow, JosEPH. Keeping mentally fit. 1930. (5th printing) 315p. Garden City, $1. A popular treatise covering problems of keeping happy, the cult of beauty, psychology of sport, and analysis of typical cases. A guide to everyday psychology. McKinney, Frep. Psychology of personal ad- justment; students’ introduction to mental on 1941. 636p. illus. diag. tables. Wiley, 2.10. A book which frankly attacks the problems of the student that are most vital to his personal adjust- ment and which offers him factual material on these problems. May be used with freshman and sophomore classes, but suitable also for older col- lege students. Nasu, Jay B. Building morale. 1942. 154p. A. S. Barnes, $1. A nontechnical discussion of morale and methods which may be used in democratic countries to build it. Techniques for building morale are described in terms of physical, mental, and spiritual fitness. Printer, Rupoir, E1senson, Jon, and STANTON, Mitprep. The psychology of the physically oo 1941. 391p. diag. tables. Crofts, 3. A review of experimental material dealing with the achievement, development, habits, and problems of the physically handicapped child. Contains much material of value to the physical education teacher and health educator. Rivirn, Harry N, Educating for adjustment; the classroom applications of mental hygiene. 1936. 419p. Appleton-Century, $2.25. This book takes the mental hygiene point of view into the classroom and indicates how the principles of mental hygiene can be applied effectively through the teacher’s attitude, school activities, and procedures without involving her in the responsi- bilities and duties of the trained psychiatrist. SHAFFER, LAURENCE FREDERIC. The psychology of adjustment; an objective approach to men- tal hygiene. 1936. 599p. diag. Houghton, $4.50. A text dealing with both theoretical and practical aspects of mental hygiene. Although intended primarily as a college text, the book contains much of value to teachers. SHEermaNn, Manpet. Mental hygiene and edu- cation. 1936. 295p. Longmans, $2.25 This book has been planned to aid teachers to dis- cover and understand the emotional and personality problems of their pupils and to institute classroom treatment. Symonps, PercivaL M. Mental hygiene of the school child. 1936. 32lp. Macmillan, $1.75. A simple, readable text, designed to interpret the meaning of mental hygiene for teachers, and stress- ing the positive, preventive aspects of mental hy- giene. TuorPe, Louis P. Personality and life; a practical guide to personality improvement. 1941. 266p. illus. Longmans, $2.50. A nontechnical book on mental hygiene written chiefly for the benefit of younger college students who are eager to understand their own natures as well as how to avoid the pitfalls of psychological disorders. IV. Sports and Conditioning Exercises ARMBRUSTER, Davin A. Competitive swimming and diving. 1942. 301p. Mosby, $3.25. Contains a descriptive analysis of the start, the sprint crawl, the middle distance crawl, the distance crawl, the back crawl, the breast stroke and diving. It is valuable also for two chapters on conditioning and training. Barton, Frep B. It’s fun to keep fit: a guide to games and sports. 1940. 160p. Harper, $2. This book presents a wide variety of recreational activities, both organized and unorganized. It is designed for people of all ages, all seasons, all hours, all moods, and all pocketbooks. BaumcarTNER, ALBERT J. Posture training and remedial gymnastics. 1941. (Mimeoprinted) 145p. Burgess pub. co., Minneapolis, $2.25. This book has been written for teachers of physical education. It is concerned chiefly with the essen- tials of body posture, considered from the stand- point of the anatomical and static-dynamical super- structure of the body . . . and supplemented by illustrations suitable as bases for the exercises. Buxu, Niets. Fundamental gymnastics (tr. from the 2d Danish ed. by Emily R. Andrews and Karen Vesterdal). 1938 (4th printing). Dutton, $2. The book stresses the development of balance, flex- ibility, agility, strength, and fundamental coordina- tions by means of exercises largely without apparatus. Gymnastics are presented as funda- mental to sport. Bukh’s type of program has won honors the world round and is authoritatively rec- ognized as sound for basic physical conditioning.