FEBRUARY 1, 1943 Zot McCtow, L. L. and Anperson, D. N. Play gymnastics. 1940. 153p. Crofts, $3. Contains 850 informal play exercises for forty ar- rangements of gymnasium apparatus. It is designed for professional use in the school, college, play- ground, Y.M.C.A., Y.W.C.A., or church gymnasium, and it may be used as a manual for volunteer club leaders. Papers games for recreation, 1935. 421p. 2.50. Compendium of material for the party, the club, the playground, the camp, the picnic, and the home—social recreation. Includes dance and party events, combative council-ring events, outing events, and a great variety of play activities. MENSENDIECK, Bess M. It’s up to you. 1931. 200p. J. J. Little and Ives co., New York, $3. This book is written for women. The main purpose of the book is to define correct posture and show how it can be acquired. Contains numerous illus- trations showing correct and incorrect posture in everyday movements. Nye, Dorotuy. Lady be fit! 1942. 91lp. Har- per, $2. A popular book which gives a clear statement of the personal problem of physical fitness which faces many citizens. It includes exercises and ad- vice for energy, efficiency, and lasting health. New bodies for old. 1936. 135p. Funk & Wagnalls, $2. This book points out why, where, and how to exer- cise for beauty and health. It is arranged for both the teacher and the average woman who is inter- ested primarily in weight normalizing. It gives many illustrations, practical exercises, and sound advice on diet, post-pregnancy exercise, and posture. PHeEtps, WintHROoP M. and KieuutH, Roser J. H. The diagnosis and treatment of postural eG 1932. 180p. Thomas, Springfield, Illi- nois, $4. A book which emphasizes the relation between posture and preventive medicine. Covers practical phases of the body mechanics diagnostic examina- tion and corrective exercises. Raycrort, JOSEPH E. Mass physical training. 1924. 282p. United States Infantry Associa- tion, Washington, D. C., $3. Outlines the program of athletics and physical training prepared by the Athletic Division of the War Department Commission on Training Camp Activities. Contains disciplinary drill, group games, combatives, efficiency tests, mass athletics, warfare aquatics, bayonet training drills as well as organi- zation and administration material for the military camp setting. Reep, DuptEy B. Keep fit and like it. 1939. 325p. McGraw-Hill, $2.50. Explains briefly the physical and nervous makeup of the human body and its need for’ exercise. Shows how exercise can be fun instead of a chore. Different forms of exercise are evaluated and shown how they can be suited to individual requirements. Reitity, Harotp J. The secret of better health. 1941. 221p. Carlyle house, $2.50. Describes approximately 100 exercises in popular manner. Outlines program of conditioning for de- fense, largely applicable to women and middle-aged men. Gives exercises for reducing fat, dietetic in- structions, posture exercises, and a variety of hy- gienic suggestions. ScannELL, JoHN A. A Manual of heavy ap- paratus and tumbling stunts. 1940. 46p. Bur- gess pub. co., Minneapolis, $1.50. In the activities selected for you in this handbook you have those which have proved their values in use on the secondary and college level. No attempt is made to cover the wide field of stunts which may be used on lower levels. Neither are there listed stunts of the type which will challenge the com- petitive gymnast. Reference to satisfactory sources for this material, will, however, be found in the bibliography. StarrorD, GEorGE T. Sports for the handi- capped. 1939. 302p. Prentice-Hall, $2.75. Outlines for physical educators, nurses, physicians, parents, and the handicapped a program of sports. Shows the need for adapted sports and the effect of physical handicaps on the personality. Classifies sports according to various physical handicaps. and Duncan, Ray O. ‘Physical condi- tioning. 1942. A. S. Barnes, $1. This book touches on the needs of the average man and woman but is prepared mainly for use by coaches and athletes. The authors list and illustrate a series of exercises for conditioning in various sports including baseball, basketball, boxing, gym- nastics, swimming, track, weight lifting, and wres- tling. DreCook, Harry B. and Picarp, JosePH L. Sa nbieans exercises. 1937. 11lp. A. S. Barnes, le The doctor, the physiotherapeutist, the physical educator, and the teacher will find this book helpful in selecting exercises for the large number of in- dividuals who, because of physical defects, deformi- ties, etc., should not be permitted (or are not able) to take the regular physical education work. Statey, S. C. Calisthenics. 1926. 338p. A. S. Barnes, New York, $3. The book is the outstanding one on calisthenics and refiects the author’s experience as supervisor of such work in World War I and as teacher of it at the University of Illinois. Contains nomenclature, teaching methods, lesson plans, and model lessons. Conditioning gymnastics. 1927. 50p. $1. Contains 134 exercises that are especially fitting in our present emphasis upon conditioning work. Ex- ercises were originally used in the army. Excellent for early season conditioning work of athletes. Games, contests, and relays. 1924. 354p. A. S. Barnes, $3. Author’s aim was to collect into one volume all of