240 THE BOOKLIST ae of exercise. 1939. 349p. Lea & Febiger, Seto: A more technical appraisal of physical efficiency. Includes sections on‘ the general effects of exercise upon bodily functions, effects of special exercises, and methods of appraisal through cardiovascular tests. Summarizes the physiology of training. Used as a textbook for professional students of physical education. McKewnziz, R. Tarr. Exercise in education and medicine. 3d. ed. 1924. 601p. Saunders, $5. One of the classic works on exercise in relation to physical fitness. Includes review of various systems of physical training: German, Swedish, French, English, and American. Half of work devoted to treatment of medical deficiencies and diseases by means of exercise. Outlines programs of exercises and games for schools, colleges, and recreation centers. - Morton, DuptEyY J. The human foot. 1942. 244p. Columbia univ. press, $3. This book gives the latest and most exact informa- tion relative to the human foot. The evolutionary development, the physiology, and the functional disorders and their treatment are given. Oh doctor! My feet! 1939. 116p. Ap- pleton-Century, $1.75. This book presents new and important information about foot trouble. Material based on actual per- sonalities, experiences, and conversations. X-ray illustrations are given. Nasu, Jay B. Physiological health. 1933. 308p. A. S. Barnes, $2. Shows the possible contributions of a well-organ- ized physical education curriculum to health. Out-. lines the part physical education has in building organic power, removing drains and strains, and conditioning to proper health habits. RATHBONE, JOSEPHINE L. Corrective physical education. 1934. 305p. Saunders, $2.50. This book presents, for students of physical educa- tion and physical therapy, the essential facts of human anatomy and physiology as they pertain to the subject of corrective exercise. Scumipt, F. A. and Mites, E. H. The training of the body. 1901. 522p. Dutton, $2.50. A classical work analyzing the relation of games, athletics, gymnastics, and other forms of exercise for health, growth, and development. This is one of the better books explaining the scientific rela- tions between exercises, games, and sports and health. SCHNEIDER, Epwarp C. Physiology of muscular activity. 1941. 428p. Saunders, $3. The book summarizes the principles of the physi- ology of physical activity. In addition to the basic anatomy and physiology presented, an analysis is given of fatigue, staleness, and the effects of heavy exercise upon the body. One chapter discusses physical fitness tests. SHELDON, W. H., STEvENs, S. S. and Tucker, W. B. The varieties of human physique. 1940. 347p. Harper, $4.50. The criteria and the procedure for somatotyping, provide a practicable, objective method for segre- gating and classifying the varieties of human phy- sique. The somatotype rating has been developed from studies of three primary aspects of bodily constitution, skeleton, muscle, and adipose. This is an excellent book for physical educators who are interested in a more complete study of their sub- jects and for guidance purposes. THE AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION The American Library Association, established in 1876, is an organization of libraries, librarians, library trustees and others interested in the responsibilities of libraries in the educational, social and cultural needs of society. It is affili- ated with more than fifty other library associations in this country and abroad. ' It works closely with many organizations concerned with education, recreation, research and public service. Its activities are carried on by a headquarters staff, voluntary boards and committees, and by divisions, sections, and round tables, all interested in various aspects or types of library service. Its program includes information and advisory services, personnel service, field work, annual and midwinter conferences, and the publication—not for profit—of numerous professional books, pamphlets and periodicals.