October 9, 1939 To Majors in the Department of Physical Education: The Department of Physical Education requires that all majors have an annual physical examina-~ tion at the Student Hospital. We have made arrange-~ ments with the hospital authorities to handle the examinations before the Thanksgiving vacation. You are kindly requested to call the Student Hospital at your early convenience and make an appointment for your examination. © We are asking that all Physical Education majors report for physical examination before Friday, November 24, After this time you will be given unexcused absences in your Physical Hducation classes until you have been examined, This is a safety measure of mutual benefit; and I trust we may have your wholehearted cooperation. We kindly requested the American Medical Association to furnish you with a copy of its publication, ieee. I trust that you will receive many valuable health suggestions from its pages, Very 7 sgn yours, oo oe Sow ee } Jou 4 Le ‘ ‘Direetor. ot Physical Bi ation ‘and Recreation !