December 9, 1941 Mr. Alfred Merwin Brown — 4448 Virginia Kansas City, Mo. Dear "Hurray", I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter of the Srd instant. As yet, our registrar has not received your traneeript from Warrensburg, but when it arrives they will make an evaluation of it and I will notify you of their findings. I em sorry that I did not have a chence to visit with you in Kanses City. I had a basketball practise scheduled for that afternoon and had to hurry back for it. I am going to Dodge City this Thursday and Friday for a basketball clinic and plan to return to Lewrence early Saturday morning. I would be happy to talk with you Saturday or at some other time when it is con- venient for yous . Hoping to seo you at K.U. very soon I am Sincerely yours, . Director of Physical Education and R,creation FCA/pE Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach