ese Gymnastics = _ Aquatics Tumb ling : Swimming Apparatus Diving Bodybuilding Activities | Life Saving Remedial and C erreetive Combatives Tennis dary) Wrestling — | - : admi n aanrA b Aly} Feneing ‘Equitation | : Archery Social and Square Dancing Third: All students on entering school are te pass a beginner's swimming test and if wmble to de so, they shall be required to take begiming swimming until able to pass the minimum requirement. Fourth: An adapted sports course would be set up for anyone unable physically to pursue the more strenuous sports listed in the above program. Permission to take the edapted sperts course would come from the Student Health Service in which case the requirements for the rest ef the program would be waived as long as the student is physically umable to participate; but four semesters of the restricted sports course would be required, This course would be adapted to *£1t the individual needs and would be comprised of less strenuous activities, such as hiking, archery, table tenis, horseshees, golf, eramedeng, shufflebeard, fly casting, and other activities of a less strenuous nature. Pifth: Juniors end seniors would be allowed to take any of the other phpndout edueation courses with the consent of the instructor, but there would be no requirement. However, junior and senior men would be urged to participate in intremrals, varehty athletics, and ‘ip play on their own.