Post-Ver Tronds in Physical Uducation Progroms in Collcgvus and Universitics It repeatedly has been brought to our minds that thc Health and Physical Zduc- ation programs, as thoy were carricd on in past years, have failed in mny instances to bring about the neccessary physical ond orgenic development of the individual, Such < statement must not be misinterpreted, hovever, for surely mmy necdcd characteristics have been developed, in certain individuels, through activities in physical educction, But, for tho amount of moncy that hes beun spent over a period of years for the furthorence of physical education, progres have not cone up to expectations. It is truc that the nhysical condition necessary for an indi- vidual to attain will dopend upon his ultimate goal, whether it be swimming, track, boxing, or war. Still, however, it eppears as though the gencral all around cone dition of the individucl, from an weuente end physical standpoint, is not up to tho level thet it should be in our Amcricen people. The quistion crises, thun, cas to the post-var programs in the colleges cnd universitics., Will they be of such o nature as to rencdy this weakness? If so, how? What will be cnphasized? Will more timc be spent in actual class poriods of physical cducation activitics? Hot: much work will be spent upon devcloping thc strength end endurance of the individucl? ‘ill he be taught to swim, an csscnticl for every indivicual? Just what facilitics do our colleges anc universitics hove for aquatic activitics? ‘ill certain standard requirorents have to be attaincc, or will the majority of the programs be run onc. nore or less optionel basis? In attempting to crrive at some fairly concrete answers to these questions, a questionneire was carcfully prepared and sont to 180 colleges anc universitics throughout the United States, Care was taken to select institutd>ns from overy section of the country, so that there woulc be a good geographical representation in the answers reccivec, 128 of these colleges ond univeorsitics returned the