3 a part of the regular ecrcdit requiremmts for graduation, chahtonties of the 128 schools answered in the affirmative, while thirty-three answered no, and the other ten were undecided. The next question was in regard to the genercl types of activitics that would be offered. “hat types of activities would reccive the most emphasis, and would the program include activities thnt develop physical and organic strength, aquatic activities, various skills, «md orthopedic ( corrective ) work? Table II shows “ analysis of the answers to these questions as follows: Table II ( 128 Schools ) Activities to be offcred Yes No Undecided l. Activitics to develop physical and organic strength oosce oscar eoegee l22 0 6 Se Aquntic ActIVITICS eesesecocccesesees 100 15 13 3. Skills ectivitics: Qe Varsity cecceeseoeeeoeen 115 4 9 De Intromursl -cceeccecete 121 1 6 Ce Reercational eeccescsee 118 3 7 4. Orthopedic ( Corrective ) Tork secese 96 15 17 Table III indicates ths frequency with which speeifie activitics will be required, and appcars as follows: Table III ( 128 Schools ) Archery eoeoeosveoeoeoeoe2e 66 67 Judo eaeeoeoeeeoooveg0 @ 29 Badminton evcecseoresesses 99 LACTOSBE cccoscssvee 20 Baseball. sececsccecvcoces 103 Lifc Saving coccacen 96 Basketball .cccccceoveee 1 Obstacle Course «ces 68 BORENE cesccceeewoworress 105 Orthopedics (Corr)... 95 Gamping ecoscrewesweesss 24 Polo (Equestrain) .. 7 CROW cccseccesevesvogess 16 Riding cooeeeoeee eee 24 Diving eeececoeseese sees 79 Rugby eoeesereoceseoe 13 FonmBing sssecescseseoess 70 SKLIINg cecesescccces 41 Football secccvscccccece 108 SOCCET covcscecvesoos 91 Generel Conditioning ee. 89 Softball Gereccosepe 117 Sports Conditioning es.. 66 Squash esstbee 45 GOLE £6666 06seeeseeove ce 104 Squash Tennis ceececece 1L GymnasticS cecscocscesssees 78 Tonnie o».esevenecsss 105 ApparatusS cecsecoccsees V1 Paddle Tennis eor»e 3 Tumbling esocescseseeee 9 Touch Football eeee» 114 PyremidsS ceseccececese 60 (Swirming) coceusess 300 ( continucd on next page )