( Table III - continued ) HOREOGAL 20 60 0tdeend ere 94 Track ee 112 Paddle Handball e@eree 25 Vater Polo @eseveeevee oe 40 Hiking Coeeeereoserseoen 44 Wrestling Secrcosevcec se 102 ( note: the above activities were the only ones apperring on the question- naire. Others mentioned were volleyball, horseshoes, canoeing, tobogganing, weight lifting, and field hockey. One of the principle factors lacking in many college and universith health and physical education progrems in past years has been that no definite standards or roquirenents were required to be attained in any of the activities offered, In order to gct some idee of the postewar trends in this respect, the question was asked: "Till various requirqicnts or standards have to be met in any of the following «ctivitics?" Table IV shows these results as follovs: Table Iv ( 128 Schools ) Frequency with which Type of Activity stendards will be required. Physicel FIitneSS cecccccccccvcevescccseseceveseesese Swirming CSCS SCHOCE OE EES ESE HEH HHS OSCO SESE SE SESE ESEOEO EES Life Saving COCCOHOCS SES HT AESEEHHOF ECO SOLES ECE ESEEEEH EOS Vater Safety COSHH SHS EHO EOS OS EOEOO SESE SE SHH EEEHLEOOE Orthopedic ( Corrective ) WORK 6 cbiscecces ceeecoeees Varsity Participation ( on the squad ) wrceccsescoces Intrenural Participation COOKS O LEH ECEEHSOO HH LEH EOH OE Recreationel Participation secccercvccescesecceocvoce 98 90 o2 38 26 o6 59 41 In the last three years the physicel fitness of the indivicuel has been of primary importance. Many tests of strength and ecn¢urance are used by the Armed Forces. How much of this tcsting will be incorporated into the college anda univers= ity progres? Table V shows possible trends slong this line to be as follows: Table V ( 128 Schools ) Type of Test Given, and the Number of Schools Requiring the Test. Chin® scacessgess WW Squat JUmpS eccoccece Dips (Parallels). 37 Stradcle Angle Chin.. Push UPS eeorcrecce 82 Mile run ceccvecccoce Rope Climb eeccce 49 680 yard LUN ceseceee ( continucd on next page ) 40 2 av 17